More Surveys! Woop!

Dec 18, 2004 21:44

Wow! my 3rd addition today! Can you tell I'm bored?? Well I clicked that magical random button some more and found TWO more surverys, these are fun so I'll have to put them in and show you my answers!! and NOTE TO SELF: type up Olivia's b-day party, and Magic Mountain with Lisa!!!!

1. What did you do in 2004 that you'd never done before?
Attacked Mexicans with Fake flowers attached to sticks in a dollar store while dressed in fake flowers. That was great! Me n Alex n Maranda (When I was friends with Maranda)

2. Did anyone close to you give birth?
No, but my Aunt is giving Birth January, she has a women’s intuition that it’s going to come in December though (She thinks Christmas day)

3. What countries did you visit?

4. What would you like to have in 2005 that you lacked in 2004?
A boyfriend, lol. An actually, I-Love-You-And-Won’t-Cheat-On-You boyfriend. And my first kiss!

5. What dates from 2004 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
No dates yet, I’m saving the first. For who I have no clue but I’ll know when I meet him.

6. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Getting in Dempsey Singers

7. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Strep Throat, that hurt like a mother! Injury- TONS! When I fell down stairs, upstairs, on cement, ran into walls, tripped over my feet (Yeah I’m very clumsy)

8. What was the best thing you bought?
Um… I bought a lot of things so I can’t remember…

9. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Brittany, I love how she always looks on the bright side. I learned about how some people in her family died and much more and I just think it is so amazing how she can put on a smile and still be as outgoing as ever. I’ve had a lot of great times with her and I’m so glad to have her as my best friend!

10. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
The thought that I could get PUBLISHED!! I was in tears when I told Britt!

11. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder? happier
b) Thinner or fatter? Well… I’m 100 pounds now, instead of my normal 94/95. I BLAME THANKSGIVING! I’m going to shave off the unwanted 5/6 pounds this weekend though.
c) richer or poorer? I wouldn’t say richer, but I saved up more money than last year.

12. What do you wish you'd done more of?
Outgoing things, i.e. the random flower bit, more of it! And playing more DDR that is SO MUCH fun!!

13. What do you wish you'd done less of?
Singing, as much as I love it it’s wearing down on my voice.

14. How will you be spending Christmas?
Opening presents with the family!! Then jumping around and screaming and acting like an idiot as usual

15. What was your favorite TV program?
Mad TV/That’s So 70’s Show

16. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Fiona Apple, I love her voice!

17. What did you want and not get?
The part of the Cat in Honk! Jr

18. What was your favorite film of this year?
Queen Of The Damned, Christmas With The Kranks, Interview With The Vampire, I, Robot, DODGE BALL (love that movie) est est, later on this week I’m going to see A Series Of Unfortunate Events. I’ve seen a lot of movies, I loved almost all of them!

19. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
IT WAS HORRIBLE!! I woke up, my dad sang the happy b-day song to me using my annoying nick name then I had to go to a fish fry in Elyria. I DON’T EVEN LIKE FISH!!! My came with me though, and lucky us, my cousins decided to annoy me and hit on her. We had to chase them out and throw stuff at them all day. It was so horrible I’m still trying to forget it. I was suppose to have a sleep over, I was planning it and everything but the stupid fish fry stopped me. I almost didn’t get a cake, I know it was selfish but I had to beg them for a cake. I was really selfish that day and in a bad mood.

20. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2004?
I’ve got more punkish/sexy cloths. Although people who see my cloths would be like, “Oh no she didn’t say that! Her cloths aren’t punkish!” Well anways me and my sister found Rue21, thank heaven for that. Their cloths are awesome!

21. What kept you sane?
I’m sane? No one told me!!!

22. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Fancy? Like wanna be like, or wanna meet? Wanna be like; I want me voice more developed like Fiona Apple, wanna meet, Gavin DeGraw. He’s awesome!

23. What political issue stirred you the most?
I don’t pay attention to politics, their all stupid monkeys anyways.

24. Who did you miss?
Lily, Kaori, Melissa, Ethan, Ethan more, yeah a lot of my elementary friends…

25. Who was the best new person you met?
Olivia Smith! Sydney… something. And all my 7th grade friends!

26. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2004:
Uh… Hold on gimmie a moment…

XOxOxOxOxOxOxOxOxOxOxOx Number two!!

.:*:.LAYER ONE.:*:.

-Name ~ Devann
-Birth date ~ March 20, 1991.
-Location ~ Ohio
-Eye color ~ Brown
-Hair color ~ Dark brown, died burgundy with copper highlights and black underneath
-Height ~ Not 5’ I know. I dunno how tall I am
-Righty or lefty ~ Righty.
-Zodiac sign ~ Pisces.

.:*:.LAYER TWO.:*:.

-Your heritage ~ A Little Bit Of Everything
-The shoes you wore today ~ What shoes? I was indoors all day… nothing to do..
-Your weakness ~ Sappy things, animals, someone getting hurt, and those close to me. Plus polka music, you put it on and BAM I fall over. Ha ha just playing!
-Your fear ~ Okay, we’ve got; Rape, Spiders, Faceless monkeys, Frost The Snowman, creepy crawly things, Child Molestation, singing in front of people, and rape (yeah that’s a biggy on my list)
-Your perfect pizza ~ Stuffed cheese crust, pepperoni, and maybe meat. That’s only if someone orders it that way
-Goals you'd like to achieve ~ To get a book to publish!

.:*:.LAYER THREE.:*:.

-Your most overused phrase on AIM/MSN ~ Lol, g2g, h/o. bbl, omgsh
-Your first thought waking up ~ Oh crap… school again…
-Your best physical feature ~ My hair or eyes. I can’t decide. I like them both!
-Your bedtime ~ 9:30/10:00 which ever, it depends on how tired I am
-Your most missed memory ~ A lot of memories! I can’t decide

.:*:.LAYER FOUR.:*:.

-Pepsi or Coke ~ PEPSI!!! Coke can empty out in a toilet for all I care!
-McDonald's or Burger King ~ McDonalds!!!
-Single or group dates ~ Group.
-Adidas or Nike ~ Nike.
-Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea ~ I don’t like tea…
-Chocolate or vanilla ~ Chocolate.
-Cappuccino or coffee ~ Cappuccino.

.:*:.LAYER FIVE.:*:.

-Smoke ~ NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS!!!!!!!!!!
-Sing ~ Yes! I love to sing! I can’t stop!
-Take a shower every day ~ Oh yeah! I can’t stand not taking one every other day…
-Have a crush ~ Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, I dooooooo!!!!!!
-Do you think you're in love ~ No, a crush but not love. Love is much later on.
-Want to go to college ~ Yes!
-Want to get married ~ Heck yeah!
-Believe in yourself ~ Yes
-Get motion sickness ~ No
-Think you're attractive ~ No, I think I’m the ugliest thing alive! (Once again don’t tell my friends I said that or they will kill me slowly and painfully!)
-Think you're a health freak ~ Kinda
-Get along with your parents ~ Not buddy buddy like but I do
-Like thunderstorms ~ Thunderstorms, no. Rain, yes. I love dancing in it too!
-Play an instrument ~ I know how to play a lot of things but I’m not set on anything.


-Drank alcohol ~ NEVER!!!!!!!!
-Done a drug ~ NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER!!!!!!!
-Made out ~ Nope
-Gone on a date ~ Nope
-Eaten an entire box of chocolate ~ When have I seen a box of chocolate? A couple Valentines back and that was for Myranda from her stalker.
-Eaten sushi ~ No
-Gone skating ~ No
-Made homemade cookies ~ No- I banned myself from doing that from my last batch… yeah… cooking is not y strong point…
-Gone skinny dipping ~ No, lol. That gives me an idea… lol jp
-Stolen anything ~ Never!

.:*:.LAYER SEVEN...EVER.:*:.

-Played a game that required removal of clothing ~ Lol! Who told you!? Lol, jp I’ve never done that.
-If so, was it mixed company ~ LOL!!!
-Been trashed or completely intoxicated ~ NEVER!
-Been called a tease ~ Uh… I’ll pretend that didn’t sound perverted…
-Gotten beat up ~ No
-Shoplifted ~ No
-Changed who you were to fit in ~ Never! I believe in being myself.

And that was all she wrote!!
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