
Aug 18, 2008 00:31

So per request of Ms. Hilley I am posting.

Today was move in day. We all got up early, packed some stuff and left by 7. Made it up to gainsville by 9 and started to unload. Went to get signed in and I ran into Cathrine Troy.

Since there was an astronomical line for the elevator my family and I proceeded to carry all my belongings up 7 very long flights of stairs. That took about two hours combined with taking a few breaks and rearranging as we go. All my roomies were here when i arrived. Brittney is the girl I am sharing a room with and then there is Caroline and Annie in the other bedroom. All of them are very cool easy going people. So we got our room rearranged, i am on the top bunk. But for a dorm room we have a bunch of floorspace. I have a lot less stuff then my roommate which makes me feel better cause I thought I had bunches of stuff but I seem to be the light packer. Our kitchen is nicely stocked with utensils and our bathroom has some new storage. OOH and I got one of those three by three cube storage things from target and love it!!

I am still a bit anxious about living up here and being away from my family but as I realized tonight I do have a good group of friends to hang out with.

Tonight Bill, Jake, Nicole Wolfman, Olivia(Nicole's roommate from PA), Kim, Alex, and I went on an adventure to stake n' shake for dinner which turned out to be bout a mile and a half walk. But we still had a very good time because Alex was showing us around campus and what not. We then went back to Bill and Jakes dorm to play rock band and hang out for awhile. All very fun.

Then I came back to my dorm and talked to Brittney for awhile while we both got ready for bed, she brought her car which is good for errand running! Woot! We seem to go together very well.

And now I am going to bed!

Oh and happy birthday Hilley!
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