This might possibly be the most ridiculous thing I've seen in a long time. From one of my sister's friends MySpace blogs (she's still in high school, and yes I'm bored at work but this is damn funny people). . .
"So i was thinking.... Right.... When you say or u think u like u really. Cus i know me personally when i do. Im like in my mind and OMG I LIKE THEM...and u think u like them so much..and everything is like amazing right...
But then...either something goes wrong...usually its the boy who is the dissapointment..then u turn into an EMO FACE.. Then ur all depressed or sad or pissed or whatever right....
But then.. U end up gettin over it.. or finding someone else who ur like OOOOooooo AHhhh!! someone different someone new.. someone cool or W/e.. and ur like Heeey!!! And then u prolly end up liking them....
so then my question is... DID YOU REALLY LIKE THE PERSON B4 THAT... CONSIDDERINGG... u like this person as much now?? or is it just a fase we all go throught.. we love we hate..we cry...we move on....???? DO we really ever love at all... or is it just we love BEING IN LOVE?? OR IN LIKE? OR CRUSH...???
anD ALL IM SAYING is... one minute u think something of a boy..then the next ur like.. wait or wtf... or thinking something completely diff...Sure thers NO DOUBT in my mind.. u HAVE FEELINGS for the person.. but im saying im not sure therees just those certain feelings... for certain someone.. idk???? i think we just love whoever comes along and we like and bla bla u kno.... so maybe if something doesnt work out... SURE it might be the end of the world for a week or W/E....but then u'll MEET Mr. RESCUE ME!! and you'll like him ! lol!!!!
So boys and liking them or loving them.... personally ive never been in love.. so i wouldnt know.. but all this jsut very...umm iDK confusing..and alot of it is ALWAYS on my mind..BOYS ARE always on my mind.....and im either OMG LUVIN :D one boy.. or fucking hating
but boys are always a dissapointment.. they never do anything they say they will..and they are always hella playin GAMES....SO QUIT IT!! that why i never EVER know what to think..DAMMIT! hahhaah
Okay well im duNzo Beeeezys....mmmmUAH!"