Apr 10, 2006 20:54
School is going great. Stuff with Zach is going great (he gets to meet my dad and his family this week; anyone who has already experienced him and his Hitler-like ways and appearance (scheisse!) knows how scary it can be and should send him a consolatationatory email). But yeah we are looking forward to that and also his dad's 50th birthday party; same day ... holy family overdose batman!
Basically all I have to do for school before the end of the semester is rework a paper I wrote last year for European Culture and add in some stuff about this one writer and make it all in Spanish. I skipped that damn 9:30 AM class so much ... Krista remembers the alarm clock going off and me just laughing in its little digital face before chucking it against the wall and rolling back over ... at least once a week ... so who would've ever thought I'd retain any of the subject matter?? Teehee; I did, and now I get to use it to bolster my Greek honour society-loving GPA. Mwahaha.
Work is going well too--well, non-furniture-store work. Basically, our store is tanking. It's so bad we might have to close. Seriously. Muncie's economy is shot to hell, gas prices are almost $3 a gallon, and it's a hard call because businesses are closing all over town, but then again we're getting ready to have lots of new companies come and bring lots of new jobs ... but we don't know if we can hold out that long, as we keep having to pump more cash into it to meet basic bill needs. My parents are scared and worried, and so am I, although I know that somehow, everything will work out OK, even if it doesn't mean we stay in business.
We have been so crazed, busy, and stressed out that we've barely gotten time to breathe. I can't believe that next week, I will have been back in the States for a whole year. Time flies when you're ... I don't know. Working really hard. My parents talk about the sacrifices they've put into this, i.e. retirement funds and the like, and they wonder if we kids feel we have made sacrifices ... I wonder how you measure time against money. Far from paying out the ass for this store, I've gotten paid really well ... but I absolutely did NOT want to come back from Guelph last year. And if I'd known I wouldn't get to ... oh God.
I guess it is a moot point anyway because I did come back and now Guelph won't take my credits, so coming back would be almost as big a waste of time and money as funding and starting a business that's going to tank in a year. But it's really, really not what I thought was going to happen ... and I'm so glad I didn't know this a year ago. Or maybe I wish I did ... I don't know. Aaaaargh!!!
Somebody make me smile ... I'm sure Zach will when he comes up Friday. Yay!!!!