Nov 26, 2007 23:33
So a few weeks ago I got the German flag tattooed on my arm not only to show my love of the country, but because it's also pretty much all of my heritage. I showed it off because I loved it and got a lot of mixed responses. Surprisingly most of the positive ones were from military men who had been stationed in Germany. They would chat me up about the country and how much they liked it there. Most of the negative comments were from older men (50's on up). I got everything from "Why would you want the Nazi flag on your arm?" to "Oh, so you're a Nazi now." It really hurt my feelings and I defended myself and the country.
Even my grandfather doesn't like the fact that I have my DFB flag hanging on my wall over my bed. I overheard him complaining to grandma "Gd Nazi flag hanging on her wall." Or he'll talk about how the Germans are losers cause the Americans beat them in WWI and WWII.
Has anyone else had to deal with this? Is it just an American thing? And does anyone know any witty responses I can make to these people?
nazi days,