Oktoberfest NOW

Sep 25, 2007 02:28

"O'zapft is!"  - 14 days of Oktoberfest fun now in progress

With the traditional words "O'zapft is!" - "the barrel has been tapped" - Munich major Christian Ude declared the Oktoberfest 2007 open a few days ago. From September 22 to Oktober 10 the world's largest beer festival will attract about 6 million visitors who are expected to consume innumerable liters of the famous Oktoberfest beer, go on rides and feast on local specialties and county-fair type candy & sweets.

So - is anyone going? :)
Feel free to share any personal pictures (or stories) you might have.
Gallery: http://www.oktoberfest.de/en/10/ 
Munich Cams: http://www.municam.de/ 

events, bayern, festivals, oktoberfest, breakingthrunow, muenchen, feste, munich, bavaria

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