die Uhr (pl. die Uhren) - clock, watch, ticker, timepiece
Wie spät ist es? - What time is it?
Also: Wieviel Uhr ist es? - What time is it?
Ist das eine neue Uhr? - Is that a new watch?
Ich komme um 3 Uhr. - I'm coming at 3 o'clock.
Sie haben rund um die Uhr geöffnet. - They're open 24/7.
Er soll um zehn Uhr ankommen. - He's due to arrive at ten.
die Armbanduhr - wristwatch
der Wecker - alarm clock
das Uhrenradio - [radio] alarm clock
um acht Uhr - at eight o'clock, 8pm
arund um die Uhr - around the clock, 24/7
die Schwarzwalduhr/die Kuckucksuhr - Black Forest clock, cuckoo clock
It's such a German clichee abroad that it just had to be included, haha!
Learn all about it here~
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuckoo_clock MORE> How to Tell Time in German
Telling time in German requires three basic ingredients:
the numbers from 1 to 59, the German for 'to' and 'after', and the fractions 'quarter' and 'half' (past). Read this~