This post kind of follows the one previous. I will be moving to Germany and I have no idea where to even begin searching for schools. The internet is so vast that it's difficult to find good information
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If you attend university in Germany, where do you go and approximately how much does it cost you?
They introduced tuition fees lately in Germany. Most universities have started demanding them from their students, some still haven't but those are in the minority. The tuition fee is generally 500 € per semester plus about 150 € for administration purposes and your ticket for local traffic. Some courses of study are a bit less expensive, why I don't know. We have two semesters each year. At universities the winter semester is from October untill March, the summer semester from April until September. So you'd have to pay about 1300 € per year if you study here. Whether the fees are as high for exchange or guest students I don't know.
Do you have to be a German citizen? :/ or at least a member of the EU? to attend university as a local student? . Though I'm guessing there are plenty of international degree options ...
Foreign students didn't have higher fees when I went 10 years ago, but things could have changed. Fees have increased, for one... I paid DM180/semester (that's, what, 90 E?) plus housing.
Of course, compared to the cost of tuition at an American university, that's still dirt cheap. My undergraduate institution cost USD20,000 per year (incl. housing & food; 12,000 just for tuition) 10 years ago. A "tier 1" school like Duke will cost 45,000+ per year, including housing. Even state schools are fairly expensive, though closer to 20,000/yr.
Have you looked into exchange programs? If you just want to get experience abroad, a semester or year would be a less-expensive way to do that than 4 years.
My undergrad school, , has exchange programs with Uni Marburg and a FHS in Muenster I believe. They may have added more since I left.
They introduced tuition fees lately in Germany. Most universities have started demanding them from their students, some still haven't but those are in the minority. The tuition fee is generally 500 € per semester plus about 150 € for administration purposes and your ticket for local traffic. Some courses of study are a bit less expensive, why I don't know.
We have two semesters each year. At universities the winter semester is from October untill March, the summer semester from April until September. So you'd have to pay about 1300 € per year if you study here. Whether the fees are as high for exchange or guest students I don't know.
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Of course, compared to the cost of tuition at an American university, that's still dirt cheap. My undergraduate institution cost USD20,000 per year (incl. housing & food; 12,000 just for tuition) 10 years ago. A "tier 1" school like Duke will cost 45,000+ per year, including housing. Even state schools are fairly expensive, though closer to 20,000/yr.
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My undergrad school, , has exchange programs with Uni Marburg and a FHS in Muenster I believe. They may have added more since I left.
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