And... speaking of postcards, I really want to promote this website because I think it's a great project!
If you like getting REAL mail rather than just bills, sign up for this - it's free. You will send and get postcards from all over the world, including a LOT of cards from Germany.
"Germany has 4823 users who have sent 142,112 postcards and received 140,452 in total.
Germany ranks 3rd in the countries with more postcards sent."
Some friends and I have tried it and in the month or two we've been there, we received several postcards from Germany and sent just as many over there. Default language is English but you can state which languages you speak and people may write in them.
The addresses that are assigned to you are entirely random -so you will send cards to all kinds of countries and receive surprise cards from random users all over the world in return. It takes a while until you start getting cards (you have to send a few first to get your address in the mix) but in 30 days we've all received 10-20 cards - the more you send, the more you get. It's lots of fun. :)
Their country page for Germany is here is you want to have a look~ Any of you using it already? Where did you get cards from?