Feb 20, 2012 20:56
The last week was incredible. Working with real theatre people on a real theatre job, like I haven't done in years, it was... Exhausting and intense and rewarding and hilarious. And it made me realise what I've been missing. I've decided I owe it to myself to take one more stab at making it my career. Freelance, more than likely. It won't be easy, it will take a lot of work and things like networking (which I'm really icky about, but I have a foot in the door now, and I have the drive to try to make it happen. So.
I feel like I've only just come down to earth - the first issue was fixing my sleep schedule. Eleven hour days on your feet doing heavy lifting can really knock the crap out of you. So I've been sleeping a hell of a lot to catch up, trying to fix my body clock.