
Nov 03, 2004 16:44

Ahhh everything just seems so perfect right now. I love it, absolutly love it. I'm happy with the friends I have, and if any of you are reading this, you guys rock so effing much! I'm doing good in school, suprise suprise. It's just so fucking awesome.

Well today was a good day! It rocked hard! I saw everyone, like I do everyday; but it was diffrent today. I had a converstaion with a lot of people. Ben like everyday. Casey and Calvin too. I had a good day with Erin. She made me laugh so much in Health today! ha! Benny Adams asked her out and boy o' boy was that a good one! "It made me happy but...no" ha Erin you rock! I <3 you!

Let's see, Jane called me when I got home from school and her dick head boyfriend broke up with her and she was crying. I felt so bad for her. She's such a good person. The stupid dick cheated on her. It's weird because when they started going out, I told her he was just a stupid guy that was going to end up cheating on her. Ofcourse, that was back in March when we almost went out but anyways. Isn't that weird though? I love her so much!

Mmmm, Well the only bad thing that is going for me is the whole girlfriend subject. But you know what? Who the fuck cares. Live life to the fullest and don't bother being held to limits by a "girlfriend or boyfriend". As if these little relationships mean anything at all. They don't. Just a couple of people calling eachother boyfriends and girlfriends. Think about that the next time you stress out about it.

Well that's it for today, maybe I'll update tomorrow during school and tell how my day is going. All depends. Talk to you guys later.
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