Was that wrong? Should I not have done that?
Hopefully this will be my next car:
The Mazda Millenia 2002. It would be sold to me for less than $4000. I can only hope because then I would not have to make payments.
My only skill is luck of a low to medium range.
If people wish not to speak to me, just say it. Then we can shake hands and close the door.
"I thought you don't believe in God?"
My grandmother reproached me for "mocking God"
She said: "I don't believe but if you don't believe, don't mock" Grandmother, I'm conflicted. I really don't know if there is a God or not. Either drugs or life will show me the way.
So to school and then to a haircut. Plus some more
Big Brain Academy and
Brain Age Big Brain over Brain Age for the win!
hoonta..YA GOT ME SOLD
I always get the feeling that when lesbians look at me, they're thinking, 'That's why I'm not a heterosexual
I wonder.. on another note!
Happy Birthday
anime_jock! Cheers and Good Fortunes in the future!
You're right. Why must there always be a problem?!
Sometimes I wonder. I have these self loathing thoughts and then I remember that the reason I have these paranoii thoughts is because I am bored or doing nothing. So I have to stay occupied so I can't lose myself. Hopefully I can be so busy that I can forget everybody. I need a glass of water.
Tomorrow: Catch Phrases for the Win!
and making up statements like this: "the comfort of being afraid" or "the passion of depression" or even "the mocking sound of seriousness" WTF was that last one?