Well, that's it. My ecology exam is done and with it my exams for this year. I only have one more assignment to finish, which is the zoo project (see my last post). While I can never be sure, I'd say that today's exam went pretty well. I did substantial revision and managed to write three and a half pages for each of the two questions (and my writing is pretty damn small, so I got a lot of information in).
Outisde of uni life, last night's Werewolf game was actually fairly disappointing. Since I won't be at any Forsaken for the next three months, I was hoping to get to do some decent roleplaying last night, but there were too many mood-breaking moments and general silliness for me to immerse myself in the character. While I've very much warmed to Werewolf as a concept since the release of new WoD, I still have a lot of reservations about how it works out in practice. There are times when it still feels too much like playing idiot children with shape-shifting superpowers rather than a race of ferocious predators in the midst of a terrible struggle. There's far too much one-upmanship going on, and unlike Vampire where petty politics reflects the nature of immortal beings prone to the ennui of the ages, in Werewolf that kind of thing just makes it feel childish and pointless.
But no matter. On Monday I'm heading down to Leeds for a few days, which should be fun. I always enjoy visiting
morticutor and co, and this is the last chance I'll get to see them before my grand trip to South America.
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