I found an interesting article on Fox News' website concerning smoking.. sort of.
Take a look and then read what follows.
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,141155,00.html The American Lung Association is trying to influence a group of people attempting to fight for their country by protesting the campaign to get cigs for the soldiers. [Eww! Cancer! -Hunter]
Allow me to make this note: We do not have a "right to smoke" but we have something that effectively allows us to do so.. the right to property. The soldiers have a right to own and smoke cigarettes.. plain and simple. We already know that smoking causes cancer.. but all you idiots out there who insist that current smokers should bend to your expectations of quitting are just that.. idiots.
You're in for a long and difficult life if you expect anyone to do as you say because you have your own set of standards and ethics.. which may not include smoking.
Face it.. it's our right to have cigarettes, and they may not go away any time soon. Some people just LIKE to smoke. I do. I don't mean any harm to others by smoking and if anyone is really affected by it, they can leave my proximity if they really fear for their lungs. [Eww! Lungs! -Hunter]
But these are SOLDIERS.. if they want cigs.. you fucking give them cigs.
This is a direct quote from the article:
The American Lung Association (
opposes the “Smokes for Soldiers” drive, saying troops should be sent
care packages that don’t kill, and distributed a memo from Defense
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld (
search) in which he advised that tobacco should be avoided because it impacts troop readiness.
Donald Rumsfeld was obviously in one of his "imbecile" moods. [When ISN'T he in one of those "imbecile" moods? -Hunter] Tobacco impacts troop readiness? You mean some A-Rabs are gonna stomp our soldiers while they're puffing their cancer sticks because they can't pay attention? You mean tobacco is a mind-altering substance? Where is the evidence to back up this claim? Has there been some research in the field? As soon as this research surfaces, I will happily withdraw my unkind remark towards Donald Rumsfeld. Anyhow, it was merely a memo in which he "advises" against tobacco so it's not as though he is directly opposed to the guardians of our country smoking a square.
Mind your own goddamned business. If you don't smoke, fine. If you don't want us smoking in your restaurants, fine. But leave the soldiers alone and give them their cigarettes. If they want them, they surely deserve them. They're fighting for the rights of smokers and non-smokers alike.. they're just trying to survive like everyone else.. except for with more gunshot wounds, which brings me to another point:
The last thing a soldier is worried about while being fired upon is LUNG CANCER. Rockets, grenades, missiles, bullets (armor piercing and otherwise), anti-infantry anything.. now that's something to worry about. [But cigarettes cause impotency! That's scary! -Hunter] So why doesn't the annoying population of non-smoker pussies everywhere just leave us smokers alone? Quit fighting us! We just want to be left alone to smoke.. and a lot of us want to quit. So when you tell us the many terrifying dangers of smoking, I'm not telling you to shove it up your ass because I don't care.. I'm telling you to shove it up your ass because I already fucking know.. and so do our soldiers. I'm going to find out how to contribute to this campaign just to make some American Lung Association temp cringe.
[I was just thinking... about the impotency thing and lung cancer... let's send cigarettes to the arabs, too! Then they'll be relaxed, but unable to reproduce while they die of cancer! I'm a genius. -Hunter]