Nov 08, 2004 21:26
We've got mail!
One thing that was discussed in one of my classes the other day was how Americans perceive beauty. I mean, what happened to the full-figured beauties of the 40's or even the 60's like Bettie Paige and Marilyn Monroe? We are so concerned about what others think, and have such a warped vison of ourselves and others. This, I think, has lead to the rise in psychological disorders; although some can't be helped, constant stereotyping and pressure doesn't help. We all want to be like the [what the magazines portray], but if you stop and look around, how many people really look like that? It just bothers me that a lot of things are just based on what you look like. I'm not talking about just being overweight; people are also judged if they are very slender, and [the American] culture seems to be the only one that has started to do this. That's really all I have to rant about at the moment; the rest of my thoughts just left me...
Well.. effectively, we all need something to aspire towards. You can't expect the whole world to actually want to look at something that they don't see as beautiful. People want to see things that are beyond the realm of truth and reality. The problem with this particular situation is our perception of what is real... and what we cannot have. If you don't want to look at something, you don't have to.. but I don't think that's the issue. The issue is what people have come to expect from the world, and we are aware that it is wholly unrealistic. So the question is, how do you get over it? What's the solution? I don't believe in ugliness in human form. If someone isn't attractive, surprisingly enough, they probably have more personality than the rest of the cookie-cut trixies romping around pretending to rule what they believe is real. Here's what you do: If you don't like the way you look, don't focus on it.. it isn't important what you look like. What's important is that you're a better person than you were yesterday, and maybe even better than someone in a magazine. Honestly.. how many supermodels have you met? Hunter: Other than me? If you honestly want to hear a good take on being overweight and all the issues that lie therein.. you should read more Maddox. :)
Okay, here we go. The media controls America. They own your mind. They control your views of what is "cool" and "popular" and "fashionable." Look on the cover of any women's or health magazine and you'll find a thin, beautiful girl smiling back at you, perfect body, perfect hair, perfect teeth. Watch TV, and you see that everyone (including butch vampire hunters *coughBUFFYcough*) is a beautiful specimen of physical human perfection. When shopping for clothes in catalogues, stores, or websites, you see sexy bodies and beautiful faces modelling the items they wish you to purchase. "Wear our clothing and you'll look just like this anorexic supermodel!" You realize, though, that nobody in real life looks like this. The only people who do are starving themselves in order to do so. They are hired by *gasp!* the Media to portray what is cool to the masses, hoping that they will convince people to buy their products. It really doesn't matter what you look like, if you think about it. The only reason is for procreation, and you really don't have to worry about that. There are people out there who dig anything you can throw out. Are you fat? Someone digs that. Hairy? Ditto. Like small animals? Sloth: You sick fuck! Well...back to the original topic. So in terms of "getting some" or "reproducing," it still doesn't matter much what you look like. Intelligence, personality...that's what really matters. In the long run, we all get old and wrinkly and, eventually, die. (But that doesn't stop the old people from making whoopee, now does it?) Anyways, I'm getting on a tangent.
So to sum things up, don't be so worried about how you look. And if you'll take my advice, stop watching TV. Stop trying to make yourself look like the photo-edited fantasies on the covers of magazines. Just be yourself, and do it well.
You don't have to stop listening.. you just need to put the filters in your brain necessary to avoid insanity.. seriously. If you care too much about the garbage you see on TV.. you're gonna go nuts, just as it is with anything you care 'too much' about. There's a point at which giving a shit just isn't advantageous to your health. So the solution is.. just stop caring so much. It isn't important. "May those that love us love us.. and for those who don't, stab them. A lot." Or maybe just ignore them, I don't know. Whatever. If I really cared, I'd go insane too.