Aug 02, 2004 19:37
I wish I could scrape the gray from the sky with a giant putty knife, watch it fall on down as daggers of sunlight thrust through. I'm sorry but this weather just isn't cutting it. In fact, its making me downright miserable. This entire summer has been so goddamn banal and just fucking bland, and this pukelike Bay Area weather is there to remind of it every day. Now I know people in other places have it worse, much worse...with floods, hurricanes, intense heat spells, etc. But I really fucking envy them, because when momma nature goes to its extremes to say "HELLO, I'M STILL HERE YOU FUCKERS!", its kind of a refreshing slap in the face/reality check and sometimes it lets you know you're still alive. (Unless you're killed by flood, hurricane, or heat stroke.) Nothing...nothing like that here. This is like being in a climate controlled bio-dome, except worse. I swear there have only been three days this entire summer where a trip to the beach would have been justified.
I can't tell if time is speeding up or slowing down. Sometimes its a shocking thought to realize that its August already. Other times I wish it would hurry the fuck up and get to fall already. School is looking more exciting by the second.
It must show through that I'm having a terrible summer. Not true. I suppose I am anxious, and anxiety leads to frustration and frustration leads to whining and whining leads to... um.
I will be doing volunteer work for a group called Music For America this fall, getting younger folk to register to vote and become politically aware. School will offer several new artistic possibilities, and I'll be spending more time in Berkeley and not here. So there are things to look forward to.