God I wish I had a huge parasol to shade me and a league of shirtless men to fan me.

Jul 01, 2008 17:02

Yes, I hate the heat. Yes, that's what I get for living in a desert region of Idaho. But I don't care. I'm gonna kvetch. But a storm's blowing in, so that might be really nice.

I'm back from camping, and it was fairly nice. My parents needed to get away from the evil man next doors and the rest of the Farnes clan. The weather was hot until yesterday evening when a storm rolled in and cooled everything off. Because we were camping during the early part of the week, no one was around except cows who, I'm pretty sure, were planning on swarming the camp and destroying everything. That's what cows do. But we escaped before they could do anything.

We now have horses in our pasture to eat down some of the grass. My father's cousin loaned us some horses (well, OK, they're renting the pasture from us for a ridiculously low rate). Our dog is confused by them. Are they huge dogs or what?

The parish here has some nasty, nasty habits like talking during the prelude and chatting it up during the passing of the peace. It's not the time to chit-chat. Bah. That may be something the new rector will have to deal with. Don Saliers is quite right that every act of worship needs to have a specific theological principle backing it. Talking about life and the news is appropriate for the coffee hour (i.e. the eighth sacrament), but passing the peace and the prelude are times for passing God's peace and preparing hearts and minds for worship, respectively.

Love, y'all.

And I guess bonus points for whoever can list the other seven sacraments.
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