
Oct 20, 2005 21:47

Yeah, sorry about the recent lack of existance lately, I seemed to have been suffering from Livejournal apathy :P. Anyhow, notta lot has been happening, just the same old school. Only thing noteworthy is my crusade against the evils of Senior Survival and the invasion of other various Brady customs, such as the lowered grading scale, which makes it so people don't have to try. I wouldn't care about Senior Survival being required if we actually did anything in it, but the teacher gets up and lectures about life and information that I already know. Grr...
Anyhow, on more recent terms, Sarah and I went gallivanting about Dutton in cloaks (trying to embarass Jeff who was in normal clothes) and hid behind trees and what not when cars went by. Unfortunatly someone was crossing the street and yelled "Hey guys!" right when we went behind a tree, then the car stopped and picked him up right by us. 'Twas quite embarrassing, but in a way that's half the fun of running about in black cloaks, isn't it? :P Oh yeah, we are that bored here in Dutton. Save us. Please.
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