Inspired by Jamie's stunning rendition of the song, and by my own newfound love for the title track (and Locomotive Breath), I bought this magnificent album at Hastings yesterday evening.
This is freakin' awesome, early metal-tinged, bluesy British folk-rock; with kickass jazz flute! Anybody who loves classic rock will absolutely adore this album; I do. And it's not just superficial sound either. The lyrics are absolutely brilliant, with truly clever commentary on organized religion, the British lifestyle, and society's underlings. Aqualung is a MUST-HAVE. Go out and buy it NOW. It's usually pretty cheap, since it's old and somewhat out of the mainstream. I got mine for $12.42 or something like that.
...You're still reading. You should be purchasing this album. Stop what you're doing and GO!
I SAID STOP READING. BUY THIS ALBUM, DAMNIT! .....bah, nobody ever listens to me.