More of the same this morning. I did the usual thing and slacked around the house. Lesa (
tiensgirl) wanted me to give her a call to wake her up, and I did. We talked for a little over half an hour, I honestly can't remember what we talked about very much. -_-; I suppose she wasn't the only one who was tired when I woke her up. I do remember being really silly with her and saying "I love you," back and forth with her for at least five minutes straight. >_> She was worried about making me late, but I got to class one time rather than five minutes early, so no worries. ^_-
Speaking of which, class was a breeze today. I thought Mr. Kingston said he had gotten all his speeches out for the week, but I forgot the man loves to hear himself talk, even when no one pays attention. -_-; He bitched at our class about how he can be pissy and frankly, I don't think anyone cared, because I was pretty sure everyone was doing work while he was complaining. Ah well, I did a multiple choice quiz and continued on the easy, yet stupifying, tutorials for Visual Basic. At the end of the day a couple friends and I decided to go over to the apartment to play Day of Reckoning and have some fun.
And fun we had. We played Day of Reckoning for a couple hours, screaming and yelling every so often. Jim put it best whenever he came from the other side of the apartment and told us he was sitting in his bathroom, in complete silence when he heard a loud up roar, so loud, in fact, that he could make out the individual voices from where he was. But hey, that's half the game. Berg and Mike went out and bought Katamari Damacy, a copy for each of them. They also set up a second GameCube and TV so people could finally create their characters in Day of Reckoning, since it takes around two hours for an in-depth character. I played some Paper Mario while they were doing that, but near the end of the night, it because a Katamari Damacy watching festival. I do have to say, that engulfing things in a ball of mass is really fun, both to play and watch.
I didn't get home until a little past 11 p.m. since I lost track of time while at the apartment... Sean let me borrow Paper Mario because he wanted to run through the story mode for Day of Reckoning. So once again I'll be neglecting playing Star Ocean for another game... -_-; *sigh* Oh well, I'm just really not looking forward to leveling up. I started playing Paper Mario to get back where I was when I played in the apartment until Lesa called me. We started talking about 11:45 p.m. We actually didn't talk for very long at all. Just about an hour...
Yeah, I really wanted to talk for hours tonight like we'll do from time to time. But Lesa hadn't gotten much sleep because of a couple things, so she was reasonable tired, correction: very tired. I'm not mad nor do I blame her at all. It just would have been nice, that's all. ^_^ It's been like this recently, Lesa hasn't been sleeping very well and she ends up tired by the end of the night when we talk, we talked for a long time a couple nights ago, but still, it usually ends up with her being sleepy. I'm not mad about it, I just wish she could get some good sleep, that's all.
All of this talk about moving in and getting impatient and Lesa was really missing me tonight has been weighing on me. I feel like I'm going to get down about it as well pretty soon here. I think about being able to live with her, and see, hear, and hold her every day for hours on ends sounds too great to wait on. I should stop thinking about it... I'm just going to get myself depressed again. Just take some deep breathes and take it slow...