Every Sunday my friends and I play poker. Two weeks ago a political debate broke out that chose not to partake in because I felt that it was neither the time, nor the place. Instead I wrote this letter and sent it to my friends…
Re: a few thoughts on the issues...deus713June 9 2004, 17:55:50 UTC
Olga, Olga, Olga… Not you too. Don’t YOU fall onto the half-truth and manipulation bandwagon. You assume (and by making that argument you are presumably are tying to get other people to assume) that just because they are in the “same family” then they are somehow affiliated with Osama. They aren’t. Osama is one of over fifty children fathered by a very wealthy and prominent Saudi Arabian businessman. The bin Laden family disowned Osama after he fled Saudi Arabia in 1991 and he was stripped of his Saudi Arabian citizenship in 1994. Meanwhile, a great number the bin Laden family has been living and working in the United States and has donated millions of dollars to the United States University system.
Re: a few thoughts on the issues...deus713June 9 2004, 18:08:12 UTC
It's thinking like this that spawns hatred. It's no different (or at most barely different) than someone saying that all blacks are theives because a black person stole their car. 99.99999999% of the bin Ladens have no affiliation with Osama or al Qaida whatsoever.
Re: a few thoughts on the issues...deus713June 9 2004, 17:43:50 UTC
1. News flash genius… THE UNITED STATES IS NOT A DEMOCRACY! Let me say that again. The… United… States… is… not… a… DEMOCRACY. The founding fathers were afraid of democracy because they did not feel that it represented the little people. Benjamin Franklin once said that “democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.” We live in a constitutional republic. Article II, Section 1 of the United States Constitution states
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Im sensing a little aggrivation building,,,
June 9 2004, 23:37:15 UTC
1. You missed the reference completely(obviously we both can navigate our favorite search engines to find political ammo ;). I completely agree with what the constitution states about electoral votes, there is no denying that. However, there are laws (in the constitution that you hold so dearly, unlike my book-burning commie self jk) against voter fraud. In 1999, Katherine Harris (GW's campaign cochairwoman and Florida Secretary of State in charge of elections, paid Database Technologies 4 million to go through Floridas voter rolls and remove anyone "suspected" of being a former felon(Florida law states ex-felons cannot vote in florida). She instructed the firm to include people with even "simular" names. They insisted Database check people with the same birth-dates as known felons, or similar Social Security numbers; "an 80 percent match fo relevent information, the election office instructed, was sufficient for Database to add a voter to the ineligible list". An email from Marlene Thorogood(Database project manager)to Emmet
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Re: a few thoughts on the issues...deus713June 9 2004, 17:44:14 UTC
4. By acknowledging that he thought Saddam Hussein was a threat to national security but opposing action because the U.N. didn't approve it, John Kerry demonstrated that he is willing to sacrifice the safety of the American people on the whim of an organization that does not have our interests in mind. Kerry has stated that he will be a shill for the U.N. and this should be unacceptable to any reasonable person
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4. A shill? What do you call the influence corporations have on W? I personally would rather put my trust in the UN then corporations whos interest lies solely in themselves. Anyone else agree
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Re: a few thoughts on the issues...deus713June 9 2004, 19:19:16 UTC
One more thing… you made a comment on my other post stating that relying on “internet research” makes one “naive” but this post is obviously chock full of it. This leads me to one of three conclusions…
A) You are admitting that you think you are naive. B) You are admitting that your comments in the other post are dumb and are retracting them. C) You are conceding to the fact that you are a hypocrite.
I’m not going to argue which one I think it is. You can go ahead and choose one for yourself.
Come on now, you know damn well Bush couldn't even spell Keynesian. You seem like a well educated person who obviously knows a good deal about politics. Can you honestly say that this country is in good shape right now? How can you possibly relate to a man that has led such an irresponsible life, and yet had everything handed to him? Unless I'm wrong, I dont think you work for a large contracting firm in Texas, so why do you support someone who pushed a tax cut, that has 41% going to the richest 1% in the country? Do you like seeing your friends and family working their asses off, being taxed to hell, only to find that they have little to no social security awaiting them? Do you know anyone who has served for this country? Chances are high that yourself or someone you personally know has or is. This man was MIA from the Alabama National guard, can you find ANY information proving his presence during his time? Dont worry, neither can the National Guard. Also, Im guessing your college educated? Did you work hard to get in, and while in
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A) You are admitting that you think you are naive.
B) You are admitting that your comments in the other post are dumb and are retracting them.
C) You are conceding to the fact that you are a hypocrite.
I’m not going to argue which one I think it is. You can go ahead and choose one for yourself.
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