Dec 06, 2006 16:36
So im taking a shit load of cough medicines and stuff, and ive been popping pills non stop to get better as fast as i can and its kinda working. The only draw back is im in my own druggy world. Now for monday and tuesday i was in and out of conscieness... waking up every two hours staying awake for an hour then falling back asleep. Pat comes in and out of the room and i have no idea what time it is. The only thing that gets me out of bed is food... i felt good to day so i went to class which was awesome because it basically got cancelled. Then i hung around the call boards for awhile listening to the crazy banter. The entire time in a haze. I kinda see how people can use drugs to an excess now....i move in slow motion, hearing everything like it was muffled by tunnels to my ears....i have no concept of hour seems like 3..........i had to be out side with the smokers for awhile cuz it was getting so hot at the call was a weird feeling.....but im not coughing so much and i dont puke...only spit up ill take zombie tom over coughing dying Tom......i wake up for work out but am too groggy to go.....and now there is a PT test on friday and i have only eaten soup and drank water with Emergen-C for 2days.....this should be interesting....i think i might come watch snow queen tonight....or go play poker..........its Wednesday.