Mar 27, 2006 15:47
So I was sitting there outside of Panera, finishing off my cigarette and the free water cup filled with mountain dew when I saw a sight most becoming of a bad children's story. A mother was hastily leaving the store with her child in tow, held by her left hand, when the child began to happily skip along through the parking lot (still safely in the hand of her mother). When suddenly the mother jerked her arm and scowled down at her, reprimanding her with much anger, saying...
"No! Don't do that! It's dangerous!"
It really made me wonder... what kind of world are we living in where skipping is dangerous?
Fun is outlawed... it's too dangerous... punishment for children when they do bad things has become punishing them for doing anything we think is bad. Like rats in a cage who are given negative stigmas with anything they do they will grow up to be broken shells. Children are now being raped of their childhood by parents who are so wrapped up in their jobs and being on top of the world that they won't take the time to teach their children the right way to be. They just hire other people to do it for them and lock them in front of Nickelodeon and Dora The Explorer (But i won't talk about how much that show is shit today)
Our world has become a more dangerous place, there are pedophiles working at your local daycare, there are predators on the internet. But we can't just lock our children in a room and hope that they'll be safe, it will make them even worse. Parents don't spend time with their children in the 21st century, the child goes to school, the child comes home, the parents are always busy... that's not right, that's not the way it should ever be...
a woman once told me, "You don't have any children, so don't tell me how to raise mine."
and i responded, "I was a child, and I didn't appreciate being treated like shit..."
When you have children, talk to them, grow up with them, let them know you love them, and teach them the ways of this world. don't let them find out the hard way... and don't raise them like rats in a cage...
A child is a blessing from God... not a burden... and a child should never be treated as such.