More of those crazy love bar/box/square things. Aren't you just feeling dandy? I'm doing these in really small amounts... (屮゜Д゜)屮
- Shirota Yuu
- Adachi Osamu
- Saitou Takumi
Oh and random animated .gifs that LJ says are more than 100x100 BUT AREN'T. FFSfSDHufgsyFF!!!1
Comment if you take!
Crediting is unnecessary, but you kids are super rad and tend to anyway :D
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I didn't really know who else to start on for these, so if you're looking forward to a particular one, you should tell me... so I don't just randomly pick images. It helps. Otherwise I sit. And eat Wheat Thins. And I get the Wheat Thin powder everywhere and my mom asks me AMY LEE IS THAT WHEAT THIN POWDER and I go NO MOM IT'S COCAINE.