ive been researching surface piercings hardcore and trying to fucking decide what i want to get.
in the meantime, i got an old paycheck today and it was enormous. "enormous" means, of course, quite reasonable for my modest bank account and 7-an-hour part time job. however, my holiday pay showed up, so i would like to give a shoutout to h&m for paying me fifty bucks to get fucked up in philly all day on the fourth of july.
i really think ill get my hips done one day, but for now ive decided that if im going to be paying money to get metal shoved through my skin, people are gonna fucking see it. a bunch. so now im just trying to decide between a madison or two collarbones.
one is, well, ONE. (cheaper. less ouch?)
the other is, well, TWO. (radder. (translation = pleasing to the eye.) symmetrical. more hardcore.)
a la:
okay, hold up a sec. im looking for better pictures.
i still want my septum pierced, dont get me wrong, but not until i trade for someone elses nose. ps. antieyebrow is the ugliest piercing ever! EV.ER!!
i wish i could get it/them done via punch and taper, but i dont even know if thats legal in pa. i didnt see any info about it on infinites website, so i should call them.
enough body mod talk.
i forget everything else worth saying. i kind of miss my hair. im allergic to my cat again.
maybe ill be worth listening to later this evening.