Aug 23, 2004 03:27
i am currently attending grinnell college's new student orientation days, it is 3:18 and i just got back from a trip to the bakery where i bought a big cinnamon roll and the first mountain dew i've had here (as the college has apparently entered into some sort of agreement/pact with satan that only coke shall be sold on campus), it's been pretty slow meeting people so far but the bakery run made me a little more optomistic, i talked to our neighbor across the hall who is from taiwan about Taoism and the politics of Taiwan and came out looking pretty ignorant but i guess not as ignorant as he expects most Americans to be, he also introduced me to some of the other international students, then i listened and talked a little bit to some upperclassmen who seemed pretty cool, i walked back with them and this girl was nice to me and even told me how to get back to my dorm room.
i've also been hanging out with my roommate john alot and he seems like a cool guy. had a meeting for our tutorial that look interesting.