36 hours is all it takes to get under my skin for fucks sakes.

Jul 02, 2003 00:43

I had been in Westlock for about 36 hours until my Mother and I had our first fight of the week. Not bad considering when I lived with her we faught a minimum of twice a day. I dont even recall what it was about...probably something small that blew into a power struggle or something equally as rediculous. I came very close to packing up and leaving to the bus station right there and then *actually I did pack my shit up* but we made up :\. Went to Whyte Ave. today, was a decent time, bought some sexy new clothes and got some new cds. Speaking of, The Used is sexier then me with my penis tucked between my legs...uhh...yea. Wicked cd :). Also bought the new AFI cd as well as another cd by Hed Kandi called TWISTED DISCO. Its a deep, funky, disco house mix :) also very sexy.

Not much else to report, watched About Shmit today, holy fucking depressing movie batman...great movie...but fuck....at least put the guy in a clow suit or something...actually scratch that...clowns scare me. On that note a clown couldnt have been any worse then some of the saggy old people nekkedness in that movie *gag*. When I get old I think im going to wear one of those muscle men shirts and just pretend im naked instead of actually getting nekked. Uhhh....wooo Canada day, lets all be patriotic for a day and continue being complete fucktard cock smoking assfucks for the other 364 days of the year like the rest of humanity we pretend were better then....errr...dont mind me, this town makes me dislike people a touch.

Oh well, fuck it all and fuck you too, touch my ass, eat my poo, this monkey boy belongs in a zoo.

p.s. I hate this town

p.p.s. Ara took me off of her friends list....boo on her :P.
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