Friending Meme!
I love making new LJ friends! So I think it's about time for me to gain some new friends and have other people make some as well. This is a meme about interests, fandom and personality, don't be shy, just be yourself. Just fill out the information below and comment with it to this post. If someone finds you interesting/has things
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Age: I was born 6,206 days ago! Or I turn 17 in 3 days.
Fandoms: Harry Potter, Kingdom Hearts, Narnia, Final Fantasy, oh my!
Interests: Journaling (I write in kitsche), art (CG'ing, oekaki, vectoring!), good music, reading, fashion design
About you: I'm a high school junior who often uses rather negative adjectives to describe herself (snarky, misanthropic, self-deprecating). I have a high appreciation for the arts and I like cookies.
What your LJ mainly consists of: The Humdrum Chronicles of My Life. With some posts of art from yours truly.
Anything else you want to say: I'm liberal, honest, pessimistic, and verbose. My former LJ username was the name of a Franz Ferdinand song that began with a number. My goals are to eat less sweets, study more, and be happy. :)
you like Narnia and HP and so do I!!
lol, yah, alhtough i'm not a friends freak enough to remember anything by heart, lately ive just been watching the episodes to savve the funny quotes to make icons ;) but anyway, u don't have to add me or anything, i just thought id say that :p
+ Kingdom Hearts
+ Narnia
+ Final Fantasy
+ I need to eat less sweets too.
May I add you?
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