TM Prompt 207 - Control

Dec 06, 2007 02:04

Megan stood at the break room sink, quickly washing out the communal coffee pot. She looked at the purple Princess mug, which was perched on the edge of the sink. Narrowing her eyes, she 'accidentally' elbowed the mug. She smirked as the mug crashed to the ground, breaking into pieces. Aloud, her voice sarcastic, she said, "Ooops."

She hadn't seen Mike Logan in the doorway, but his voice alerted her to his presence. "Oops," he echoed, just as sarcastically.

Megan froze, then turned slowly, the smirk still frozen on her face. "You didn't see that."

"I saw an accident," he shrugged. "Now, it looked an awful lot like one of those on-purpose accidents, but you know how my memory gets when I'm all doped up on coffee and donuts."
His gaze wandered meaningfully to the empty donut box by the coffeemaker. He'd gotten in late this morning, apparently, and Goren and Ross had probably eaten the prime pastries.

"Yeah," Megan said. "I know." She grabbed the dustpan and started sweeping up the fragmented cup. "Princess my ass," she muttered as she dumped the mug in the trash.

"Tsk, tsk, Wheeler. You've really gotta control that temper of yours, or else I'm gonna gain some serious weight with all the free food I’ll extort out of you.. Hey, did you forget how I like my coffee?" Mike grinned and ducked as Wheeler tossed a roll of paper towels at his head.
"That's all you got?" he laughed.

She raised her brows. "You wanna take this outside?"
Logan just leaned against the doorframe, and watched her. "Do you want me to forget what I saw or not?"
"Who's gonna believe you over me?" she asked, challenging, but not in a serious manner.
He was unphased. "Me. I have no motive to lie - I don't care about who calls herself a pretty pretty princess."
"Yeah but you don't get along with her," Wheeler said.

With a shrug, he answered, "I fake it really well."
"I'll bet." Megan's voice was dry.
"Oh, come on," he snorted. "You never fake it, Wheeler?
Megan smirked. "You'll never know."
"Another thing I can be grateful for," he gave the donut box another look. "And go to the good place, willya? If you hurry, you could even make the Donut Factory."
"Don't push it," Megan said.
"Sorry, Wheeler. In this case, the line between cop and criminal has become blurred."

"Excuse me?" She said, "Are you telling me that getting rid of that piece of crap mug was a crime?"
"You're acting guilty."
"No I'm not," Wheeler glared.
"And now, I have an edge." He grinned wider than he had in a long time. "Give it up, Wheeler. I'm back in control."

"You--" She jabbed her finger in his direction, her cheeks flushing slightly.
“Yep, me," Logan was still smiling, despite Megan’s ferocious look. “Did I say “welcome back” yet?"

207, tm

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