Maybe I'm waaaay of base...

Feb 28, 2007 11:16

Today, just before lecture started, a girl got up and addressed the class. She informed us that a film crew will be in our class next week because they are making a documentary of her life. Apparently she's one of these kids who maintains extensive hobbies in civil engineering and geothermal physics while double majoring in child psychology and criminal law, and has film companies just begging to make movies about her. At least that was what I gathered from the tone of her voice when she made the announcement.

She told us that if we don't want to be a part of her experience we can go sit in a corner of the class so we aren't bothered by the film crew as they document her every reaction to lecture, covert nose-picking, and pre-fart grimace.

I haven't decided whether to see how many times I can flip off the camera or to go sit in the Partypooper Ghetto so I'm not distracted by lights and cameras and squawking chairs as they try to determine which side is her "good side".

Mostly, though, I want to write an email to the department head and ask what the hell the professor is doing allowing a circus in the class the week before mid-terms.

ftl, uw, spring semester 2007

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