(no subject)

Jul 24, 2006 12:05

uisinger and I have been discussing a remark I made in my weekend update over on Carriage Return (I promise I won't link to the site every time I mention it, ok?). Talking about lists, I mentioned that Sean (my coworker/friend) and I had spent an entire afternoon hashing out the greatest rock bands ever.

This was an extremely daunting task, considering that rock has been around since at least the mid-Fifties, but we were able to narrow it down with the following considerations:

1) Individual performers, or individuals who were part of a band but best known as a "solo" artist, are disqualified. This means no Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly, Elvis, Jimi Hendrix, Smokey Robinson, or Bob Dylan. Duos are also disqualified. Sorry, Simon and Garfunkel.

2) Bands are measured by three critera: a)the influence they had on later music and bands which followed them, b)the impact they had on society, and c)longevity, to account for evolution in a band's sound and greater influence over time vs. one album wonders. Remove a band from history and the greater the loss to music history and society in general, the more important the band.

3) Bands were separated into two eras, the Classic (1960 - 1985) and Modern (1985 - present). I won't get into the Modern in this post, just because this is likely to be quite a can of worms.

4) Sean and I tried to do this exclusively based on the above merits, without jockeying favorites. I think we did it as best we could, considering I'm not exactly a Rolling Stones fan and he's not particularly fond of The Kinks.

Without further ado, here's the compromise Sean and I reached on the Classic list:

10. The Kinks
09. The Ramones
08. Queen
07. The Doors
06. Cream
05. The Who
04. Led Zeppelin
03. Pink Floyd
02. The Rolling Stones
01. The Beatles

I'm planning on working this into a large update on Carriage Return, so any input is greatly appreciated.

Poll The Greatest Bands of the Classic Rock (1960 - 1985) era

polls, tunes

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