TO: John Munch
FROM: Lani Rallita
SUBJ: time off
If it's okay with you, I'm going to take a long weekend. I can return on Wednesday. I need a couple personal days. I would like to point out that I've been putting in a lot of overtime this past week or two.
Have mercy,
I slept straight through last night. I feel...well, no different. But I slept.
And I've reclaimed myself as Big Sister. I bought Avery and Bailey tickets to come visit me for a weekend later in the month. I had to take a small loan from Matthew, but he can afford it. After all, he's a lawyer and I'm a cop. I can't wait to see them both. Not only will it work as an apology for forgetting their birthday, and a beautiful gift...but I think it will do me good, too.
Danny's right, though. I should take a couple days off. And I mean to. Not that I'll tell him he was right.