Jan 16, 2008 01:48

I've never really been one who needed sleep, or who had to be well rested before being able to accomplish anything in my day, but latley it has been harder then ever.
I cant count the ammount of nights where i've lied here awake for hours after i've tried to go to bed, just hoping that I will become tired and fall asleep, but i just cant and It's really starting to stress me out.
for the past 2 month straight atleast i have not been able to fall asleep much before 4:30, but being awake for 5 or 5:30 isn't very un-common either.

I've tried being active, waking up and going to school for morning classes, going for long walks and not eating much previous to getting ready for bed but nothing is working. No matter how tired I am during the day//evening, when I want to go to sleep because I just dont want to be awake anymore I cant.....and I dont know what to do with myself anymore.
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