tired but inclined to work despite myself

Feb 10, 2005 01:14

I woke up at 5am this morning (or yesterday morning, as it were), too stressed by my thesis to sleep. I tried to work on it and promptly fell asleep for three hours, with my face in my notebook. Way to be, Barbs. On the bright side, I feel like I'm beginning to make some lovely progress, and will make more once I let go of my beastly perfectionism.

I'm also thinking of dropping my anthro class, which I don't need to take and don't like to sit through. Shall I just do the gentle[wo]manly last semester of college and ride it out on 3 classes including thesis? Maybe that's the way to go these days.

On a really happy note, Sana and I got the apartment in Wilder, which means that I won't have to stumble home alone at 1:30am every night/morning after sitting around her room. No, instead I'll sit around our apartment pretending to do work all night and all day, keeping her company.

Meh. I hear lover boy got his presidency. Excellent... Congratulations, baby, if you ever read this. I'll try not to be a demanding bitch next year ;-). No, I'll be about as high-maintenance as a cat. You'll have to stroke my whiskers once a month and I'll purr. Mmmmm... let's keep dreaming. I'm off to bed.
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