
Jan 16, 2024 13:11

Hi Live Journal,

Going through difficult times. I feel alone and don't know who to talk to.
I'm in a verbally and emotionally abusive relationship. It isn't like this all the time but it's frequent enough to where it's a problem.
I'm 8 months pregnant and have been treated so poorly. Screamed at, insulted, mocked, cursed at, stone-walled, etc.
The past week and a half I've basically just been avoiding Camilo because any little thing will set him off.
It's as if I'm walking on eggshells. And then I can't talk to anybody about it because I have to protect his reputation.
But then he starts problems by trying to get his daughter involved for whatever reason.
So I asked my mother to message him to be kind even if we are disagreeing about something.
And now I'm back on avoiding him because I need to protect my peace. I can't take the abuse anymore.
It's not where I'm supposed to be. I'm supposed to be enjoying this pregnancy and I'm supposed to be in peace, loving the fact that I'm growing this new life.
But instead I'm on edge, my cortisol levels are high, I'm uncomfortable in my own home, I'm not valued, I'm constantly disrespected and insulted.
I was never raised around this type of emotional immaturity. My parents always valued each other and treated each other with respect.
I spoke to my sister-in-law, Ana, yesterday and she was saying that growing up they were around a very toxic relationship with their parents.
Where basically if they argued it was very ugly, they would say things that hit "very below the belt" and then they all have dinner together and pretend that nothing ever happened.
If my husband doesn't work through his personal issues then I am going to have to go somewhere to protect my peace until he understands that I cannot take it anymore. I don't deserve this.
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