Oct 01, 2005 13:16
the first 6 weeks of school is over. And yesterday turned out to be one of the worst fucking days of my life. Starting out with a girl wanting to go show her mom what my mum looked like and me being the nice person i am i said ok. Then she was gone so i spent the whole 2nd and 3rd period looking for her trying to track her down getting as much info on her as i could from random people. So i found out she had my lunch saw her and pulled her into the restroom and started yelling at her that i wanted my mum back. So she gives me this bullshit story that some guy took it from her and her mom was buying my a new one at the very second. Oh and in the beginning she told me her name was Kathy Garcia and when i went to go track her down there was no such person. So she's swearing to me that her name is Kathy and i told her that people have told me her name is Janie. So i ask her for ID or a school paper to prove it. She opens her backpack and says she doesn't have anything and what do i see? a paper that says Janie and she claims it isn't her backpack but her friends. So i finally took her to the security office and she tells him what supposedly happened. He asks them to leave (Arlene was there for me to be backup) and asks me to stay and it turns out this chick has a reputation for stealing ang lieing and the officer starts asking me all these questions like if i wanna press charges and shit so i'm like fuck right i dont need to be dealing with this right now. And so i walk out of the security office and there it is my mum, that was in her locker all along. Finally the police forced her to open her locker and found it. So i think i'm still gonna press charges because she's done this with cameras and cellphones beforte and i'm not gonna let it happen again. OH but that was only the school day. The homecoming game was awesome!!! WE WON!!!! But after the game my boyfriend is with me and he has this ex who was obsessed with him. so after i guess she sees him with me and causes this huge seen. She just starts slapping him from nowhere saying "why didn't you tell me" and i'm in like shock here so we start walking off and me being me i tried to pull her off and then she comes at me!!!! So i'm hitting her back and this is right next to the concession stand by the ramp where all the students are and after Mike(my boyfriend) pulls me off all these people are looking at me and guess who comes up to me.....Mrs. Stephens Bradley's mom!!!! and i tell her she came at me and then she told my boyfriend to make sure i'm ok and then we just walk off while all these people are just staring. Inside of me is all this anger that wasn't used is killing me and i'm trying so hard to calm down. So i try to lighten the mood by making myself laugh and try to forget about it. But what i hate is when something bad happens to you and you just can't stop picturing it in your head over and over again. This is whatz happening to me right now. But i'm praying so hard for God to give me the strength to forget about it. I dont want to let this get to me. So yea that was my friday.