Feb 01, 2005 16:03
I know i dont update as much as i used to but man i've been really busy plus the fact that the main computer is fucked up but yea. Presentation was awesome and i'm officially back in volleyball and it feels GREAT!!!!! God i hate my icon thanx a lot Alex. Im gonna change soon. The shocking news of this week i have an 84 in ENGLISH!!!! omg i was jumping up and down when i saw it and then checked again to make sure it was my grade and not someone else's hehehehe. I gotta fast this weekend for church cuz i need 2 more community services projects for confirmation. man thatz 30 hrs w/o food how will i survive oh yea a gallon of apple juice. Today at lunch we were talking about old school amimated movie for kids. Example: Great Mouse Dectective, Rescuers Down Under, and the movie nobody could think of itz title b/c thatz how old it was ONCE UPON A FOREST!!! thanx to my sources who helped me out and Brandi your welcome. All this talk about old movies makes me want to go rent all of them. Even the 80's animated shows like Maxie's world and Jem and the Hollagrams. But the problem is TIME!!! How much i try to make some the less there is. I want to catch up on all the movies i ahvent seen eyt and sleep!!!!grrrrr. I just want spring break already!!!