Drinks should be Irish and picnics should be Ukrainian*

Sep 23, 2009 13:29

Надибав в інтернеті на америкосовському сайті
http://www.urbandictionary.com/ сучасний словник. На запит Ukraine було знайдено декілька результатів, найцікавіші з яких приводжу нижче:

Ukranian girl - has big boobs and is probably the prettiest thing you will ever see.
Ukranian boy - is into stupid things and sometimes dresses like he lives in a dump, yet usually hot.
Ukrainian bitch slap - a melee attack of the native Ukrainian.
Have you ever seen a Ukrainian bitch slap? Very few people survive
A country that makes you laugh and cry at the same time!
Anything that can be copied or pirated can be found in Ukraine for cheap prices.
"- Hey guess what, "ICE AGE 3" is already out in Ukraine.
- WTF? "ICE AGE 2" is still in theaters here..."

Далі відчувається рука наших емігрантів:
To simply put it is BETTER then Russia.
To all you russian wannabes includin Vladimir Putin:
Back off and please keep the Europe clean
At least in soccer!
Is he Russian?
No you idiot, he's Ukrainian!
I love Ukrainians!!!

Але мабуть найбільш чотким визначенням є:
"A country that makes you laugh and cry at the same time!"

З.І. до речі на сленгі українців називають Ukie..

* - http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Ukrainian%20picnic

нотка націоналізма

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