Jan 12, 2006 16:35
what a week of televison. its a bloody good job i have no life whatsoever so i can enjoy such visual treats as the new serise of the oc, the last lost and next week, DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES.
started back at college this week despite a cold and a cough that made me sound like a 40 a day smoker. really flemmy. you know the sort. new group, now that ive specialised in fine art, which was all very alarming, new people, incluing HOT READING BOY. yes. hot reading boy is in my group. now. i noticed something a little odd aobut hot reading boy. he wears nail varnish, which i have no problems with, infact men wearing nail varnish can actually be rather sexy, i.e brian molko. but hot reading boy is a jeans and tshirt kind of guy, very normal. his nail varnish is also perfectly manicured, no chips, nothing. its also two tone crimson red you know the sort that changes in differnt lights. not like BLACK. or RED...hummm he is a mysterious fellow. he talks to no one. and just reads. all the time. his name is also beuwick. as in the car. but im not sure how to spell it. next week, my mission is to converse with him.
also, in pants wettingly exciting news. febuary 4th. medicine bar. EROL ALKAN. i will make babies with him if the oppertunity arises.