May 13, 2008 20:49
I hate it when I expect my parents to be mad/pissed off at me and then they aren't. Because then I feel bad for thinking that they are mean and horrible. But whatevs. My dad is pretty much the awesomest ever. Cause he is all like "you got 2 Ds, so what? You'll do better next time." Which is really sweet of him to say this semester since he said that last semester when I got a D.
Getting crappy grades suck. Because I put in some effort. I mean, I always can put in more effort because I suck at time management and studying and pretty much everything... but I tried as best as I could. So I use this as further evidence of my stupidness.
And I really need to clean. Like, it is bugging me how little I have done to clean my room.
I am just all alfdjf;lakjsdflkajdflaj ajdfalkdfja;lsdkjfal;sdjfa;l fjalksdjfalsdkjfal;sdkfj3rwoeifjasdlkfasl84theeflf.
Yeah. Try pronouncing that. :P