Its been a few months and i've peaked the change i'll get with the implant in my right eye. I usually test about 20/200. which isn't bad at all. I haven't been in that range since like third grade. The only thing i really have issues with is stairs or pilars outside that blend and dark rooms. I've always hoped for some sort of AF beam implant or something. It just takes me so long to adjust tha ti usually go sighted guide. I've always wondered how people feel about this. I know the proper way is to cup the persons elbow but as most of the time its a theater or a eatree i usually grab a purse strap or a piece of shirt so i'm not two deep. I haven't picked up my cane in five years. I don't feel as if i need it up here. I'm usually out with people and they're usually nice enough to say to watch out for that sign or staircase or something. Least most people. April once walked me into a truck. Then again we were both texting and had a few drinks. I'll have to find it and pack it for NY. That's gonna be a treat at the scanner. it was pre regulation change. Bill always told me stories how legally i need to indicate to the driver that want sto mow me over that i'm blind. lol.
I feel dirty looking for homes on craigslist. Like, is some coke ho going to ask to ski when i go to check out the place? I like this place but its about a store and i think it says "meats" on the building. I've been inspired to start lifecasting. My channel on is