I need a body double

Jun 27, 2011 17:33

Almost brought up my breakfast on a suspect this morning during interrogation. I've never been so relieved to hear a confession - it meant I could get out of there before I actually was sick. Not my finest moment, that's for sure. I'm hoping that it's not as bad tomorrow because I'm due in court for cross-examination at 9AM - I don't think it will benefit the case if I'm looking green on the stand.

Yeah. This baby is completely kicking my ass. I'm sure staying at work past midnight several days in a row hasn't really helped. But physically, this pregnancy is the hardest so far. Everything is fine though, since we just had a check-up and he-or-she is healthy.

I just took Ellie to her first dance class. It was fun for her, interesting for me. Since it was her first time, there's a lot of babbling in my ear right now. Even in the car ride home, she kept singing--and talking--with more singing. One of the other parents there was such... a treat. This woman was telling me about how she had just *known* her baby would be a professional dancer because of all the movement in the womb. Oh, please, give me a break.
I'm just glad it was me who went with Ellie, and not David...

dance class, baby dresden 2.0, ellie dresden eames, mcs, trial

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