RP Log | Getting the key... and a fire extinguisher

May 27, 2011 11:13

*so after being gone all day....Wheeler returns to the squad room, looking...very subdued, to say the least, before getting called into Ross's office very shortly after ...the conversation in Ross's office gets...a bit loud. Which is unusual since neither of them is generally the yell-y type. A few minutes later, Wheeler steps back into the squad room, looking very upset, without her gun or her badge. She goes to her desk -- like it's taking every bit of self-control to do this--and starts gathering up her stuff.*
Detective Alex Eames: *watches the exchange without understanding what's going on. Alex contemplates going up to Wheeler and making sure she's okay but it's kind of obvious she's not. Alex stood up with a frown on her face*
Detective Megan Wheeler: *putting things in her bag....keys, a packet of tissues, just random stuff she uses every day that she will need to use while not at the office...and who knows when she'll be back....stops when she gets to the small framed photo of her and Colin that she'd only just put at her desk a week or so before....just...stares...before shoving it in her bag, too.*
Detective Alex Eames: *slowly goes over to her* Hey. *not going to bother asking if she's okay*
Detective Megan Wheeler: *swallows* Yeah? *very small, trying-to-be-polite smile, even though her eyes are a bit watery*

Detective Alex Eames: *small yet supportive smile* If you need to talk, you know where I am. *not intending to say anything else without her permisson*
Detective Megan Wheeler: Thanks. I--*how on earth could she possibly look Alex in the eye and tell her about this? She showed Colin off to her, they went out on a double date, for christ's sake*--I have to go. *turns to leave*
Detective Alex Eames: *nods* Of course. *small smile*
Captain Danny Ross: *about half an hour later, Ross' door opens* Eames. *looks all grim*
Detective Alex Eames: *looks back up from her desk. Taking note of the grim look on his face, she quietly gets up and goes to his office*

Captain Danny Ross: *closes the door once she's inside, goes to sit back at his desk*
Detective Alex Eames : *eyes him* What's going on? *politely but too curious and concerned to keep completely quiet*

Captain Danny Ross: *evenly* Colin Ledger was arrested this morning, by the FBI, on counts that included money laundering and racketeering.
Detective Alex Eames: *for a second all she can hear is the blood rushing past her ears but she recovers quickly* What? *shocked, looks out to the squadroom even though Wheeler is long gone*
Captain Danny Ross: He was picked up while out on an errand with Detective Wheeler. While the FBI found no immediate reason to hold her...she has been put on paid leave until IAB concludes an investigation. *his words are formal, his posture stiff. He's not pleased to be relaying this information at all.*
Detective Alex Eames: *is quiet for quite a few seconds whilst she tries to let that sink in... she'd had no idea...* Well, there's no way that she... *seems kind of pointless to say so she stops*
Captain Danny Ross: No, she wouldn't. *tightly* *then* I've dealt with the brass all afternoon....but this is going to hit the papers tomorrow, if not New York One tonight. *sighs* I need a favor.

Detective Alex Eames: *nods slowly* What exactly do you need?

Captain Danny Ross: Someone to put in charge of the squad while I'm gone this weekend. *smallest of smiles*
Detective Alex Eames: *pauses* Me? *very deeeep down inside there's a bit of glee at that*

Captain Danny Ross: What, you think I'd leave Nichols in charge? Or Logan?
Detective Alex Eames: *takes the opportunity for a lighter mood, even if it is brief* You never know.
Captain Danny Ross: I don't trust either of them to deal with any potential phone calls from the press, either.
Detective Alex Eames: *nods* Right. When do you leave?
Captain Danny Ross: Tonight.
Captain Danny Ross: Till Monday.

Detective Alex Eames: Have fun? *hopeful smile* *well, he is supposed to be going away and not thinking about here*
Captain Danny Ross: ...that's the goal, anyway.
Detective Alex Eames: *slow nod* Yeah.
Captain Danny Ross: *kind of shows her where a few things in his office are, explains that he will leave her his spare set of keys, etc.* *basically giving her permission to use his office while he's gone, in case the phone's ringing and stuff*

Detective Alex Eames: *nods, pays attention, asks a question or two maybe, but gets it pretty quickly*
Detective Alex Eames: *sees it as the pretty damn big responsibility that it really is*
Captain Danny Ross: *Ross is all trusty wusty with the Alex*

Captain Danny Ross: *he gets his stuff ready to go and hands her the keys* Don't burn the place down, hm?
Detective Alex Eames: I'll try my best. If not, I know where the fire extinguishers are... *attempt at humour*
Captain Danny Ross: *smirking as he exits his office* That's the important part - knowing how to put any fires out and where such things are located.
Detective Alex Eames: Yes. *serious nod* Health and Safety. Very important. Got it.
Captain Danny Ross: *Ross goes on his way*
Detective Alex Eames: *is left with the keys*
Detective Alex Eames: *...and a fire extinguihser*

colin ledger, aim log, danny ross, megan wheeler

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