RP Log | The One Where They Talk About Her Career

Apr 18, 2010 10:53

Capt. Danny Ross: *Ross office*
Capt. Danny Ross: *pokes his head out* Eames.
Det. Alex Eames: *looks up, puts her pen down and goes over to his office*
Capt. Danny Ross: *awkward smile* Don't tell me that Nichols already has lunch plans for the two of you....

Det. Alex Eames: *raised brow* Um. No. No lunch plans. *feeling suspicious*
Capt. Danny Ross: Okay, good.
Det. Alex Eames: Why?
Capt. Danny Ross: I'd--like to take you out to lunch.

Capt. Danny Ross: A working lunch as it were.
Det. Alex Eames: *raises her brow again* *slight frown* Sure. Is there something of importance we need to discuss?
Capt. Danny Ross: I'd like to talk with you about your career path, among a few other things.
Det. Alex Eames: *taken aback* Oh? *somewhat confused* Okay.
Capt. Danny Ross: *shrugs* Let your partner know....which reminds me. Rubirosa called earlier. Apparently there was a file she forgot to give me. He can go do that.

Det. Alex Eames: *chuckles, and nods* Alright. *shaking her head as she leaves to tell Zach she's off to lunch with Ross and he isn't*

Capt. Danny Ross: *waits for her*
Det. Alex Eames: *gets her coat and joins Ross*
Det. Alex Eames: *waits for him*
Capt. Danny Ross: *starts heading to the elevator*
Det. Alex Eames: *walks with him to the elevator. Thinking that whilst this may be a strange lunch, at least she's getting fed*

Capt. Danny Ross: So, uh, how're you?
Det. Alex Eames: I'm fine. *nods* You?
Capt. Danny Ross: Good, good.
Det. Alex Eames: Can't complain huh? *sliiiight smirk*
Capt. Danny Ross: Well, I -could-,but I won't.
Det. Alex Eames: *raised brow, as if daring him to try*
Capt. Danny Ross: *shakes his head*
Det. Alex Eames: *smiles*
Capt. Danny Ross: How's Ellie?
Det. Alex Eames: *bigger smile* She's doing great, thank you.
Capt. Danny Ross: Getting big, I'm sure.

Det. Alex Eames: *nods with a chuckle* Very. *then looks sad for a split second, because she doesn't want her baby grow up*
Capt. Danny Ross: They always do
Capt. Danny Ross: even when we'd rather they didn't.
Det. Alex Eames: Yeah, I'm not a big fan of that part.
Capt. Danny Ross: *nods*
Capt. Danny Ross: But it happens.
Det. Alex Eames: *nods* How are the boys?
Capt. Danny Ross: Big. *smirks as they get off the elevator* Jeremy's practically an adult...Micah's not far behind him.
Det. Alex Eames: Wow... *smirks* That must be terrifying.
Capt. Danny Ross: It is.
Capt. Danny Ross: It also makes me feel old.

Det. Alex Eames: *chuckles* I think you'll be fine. I think you're only old when they get married and have kids of their own.
Capt. Danny Ross: I'm hoping Jeremy doesn't impregnate anyone till he's married. Or at least out of high school.
Det. Alex Eames: *laughs at the way he phrased that* Here's hoping.
Capt. Danny Ross: He's a teenage boy...*shakes his head* His mind is only on one thing.
Det. Alex Eames: I thought that way of thinking for guys wasn't limited to the teenage years?
Det. Alex Eames: *chuckles*
Capt. Danny Ross: Point taken.
Det. Alex Eames: *smirks*
Capt. Danny Ross: Was Nichols heartbroken about not going to lunch?
Det. Alex Eames: *nods* He said you're gonna have to buy him dinner to make it up to him. *serious*
Capt. Danny Ross: He's funnnnny.
Capt. Danny Ross: *flat*
Det. Alex Eames: Yeah. Side-splittingly so. *smirks*
Capt. Danny Ross: I'm sure your days are a barrel of laughs.
Det. Alex Eames: *just smirks at that*
Capt. Danny Ross: *they get to the lobby, heads for the parking garage*

Det. Alex Eames: I would think you would know from experience.
Capt. Danny Ross: Oh, I do.
Capt. Danny Ross: I'm counting on you to keep him out of trouble. I hear you're good at that.
Det. Alex Eames: I've had a few years of practice. *smirks* I'll try my best.

Capt. Danny Ross: Good. *going to his car*
Capt. Danny Ross: *yeahhhhh,captain's car*
Capt. Danny Ross: *....it's just like all the other Crown Vics that they drive, except maybe it's got nicer interior*
Det. Alex Eames: *white knuckle ride?*
Det. Alex Eames: *gets into the passenger seat*
Capt. Danny Ross: *gets into the driver's seat*
Capt. Danny Ross: *drives out of the parking lot, is promptly in traffic*
Det. Alex Eames: *makes sure her seatbelt is fastened*
Capt. Danny Ross: *is a safe driver*

Det. Alex Eames: *yay*
Det. Alex Eames: So where are we going?
Capt. Danny Ross: Steakhouse the Chief of Ds told me about. If that's all right.
Det. Alex Eames: That's fine to me. *smiles*
Capt. Danny Ross: Great. *driving*
Det. Alex Eames: *the boss is dragging her out for lunch, she'd be happy with pasta* *now she's imagining Ross having lunch with the chief of D's*
Capt. Danny Ross: *driving, honks his horn, says something about people who shouldn't be given licenses to drive*
Det. Alex Eames: *raises her brows* I didn't realise you suffered from road rage.

Capt. Danny Ross: ....I don't, normally. You should drive with Logan sometime.
Det. Alex Eames: *snorts* I prefer to be in the drivers seat, thank you.
Capt. Danny Ross: Good for you.
Det. Alex Eames: I think so. *chuckles*
Capt. Danny Ross: *smirk*
Capt. Danny Ross: *continues driving*
Det. Alex Eames: *starting to wonder what he's gonna ask her about her career and stuff*

Capt. Danny Ross: *they arrive at the restaurant*
Capt. Danny Ross: *business-casual type restaurant*
Capt. Danny Ross: *they get seated*
Det. Alex Eames: *feeling like she's on the spot*
Capt. Danny Ross: So, uh--how is it going with Zach?
Det. Alex Eames: *ahhhhh* It's going alright. New partnership and all. But he's a good detective. *nods*
Capt. Danny Ross: *nods* He is.....Only all right?
Det. Alex Eames: *knows he's fishing* It's a huge adjustment after working with Goren for such a long time. And no, not only alright. I didn't mean it like that.
Capt. Danny Ross: *nods* So you're adjusting....is he?
Det. Alex Eames: If he's having a problem working with me, he hasn't shown it.
Capt. Danny Ross: I didn't think he would.
Det. Alex Eames: Did he say he had a problem with me?
Capt. Danny Ross: No, not at all.
Det. Alex Eames: *slow nod*
Capt. Danny Ross: Just--making sure you're both adjusted.
Det. Alex Eames: We are. *nods*
Capt. Danny Ross: Good work on the Woll case.
Det. Alex Eames: *ugh, Woll* Thanks.

Capt. Danny Ross: *nods*
Det. Alex Eames: *gets a glass of water*
Capt. Danny Ross: *gets iced tea*

Capt. Danny Ross: *drinks from his iced tea* McCoy said it helped to have you two working with Cutter and Rubirosa.
Det. Alex Eames: He did? How so? *sips her water -- mmmm refreshing*
Capt. Danny Ross: *shrug* Due to the...personal nature...of the case....? He said it helped that you all already know each other and have a good working rapport.
Det. Alex Eames: *nods* It is easier.

Det. Alex Eames: I'm just glad it's over.
Capt. Danny Ross: *nods*
Det. Alex Eames: *small smile, sips her drink*

Capt. Danny Ross: Have you ever considered your career --- beyond Major Case?
Det. Alex Eames: *surprised by his question and takes a moment to think about it* I... not really. I used to, I guess. Why?
Capt. Danny Ross: Why not?
Det. Alex Eames: *frowns, trying to figure out why he's asking instead* Uh, I guess because of working with Goren.
Capt. Danny Ross: *raises a brow, but he nods*
Det. Alex Eames: I wouldn't be opposed to it... *thinking about it* Why are you asking?

Capt. Danny Ross: Curiosity.
Det. Alex Eames: *slow nod, raising her brow* I guess, if you really want to know, I just see myself at MCS for a little while yet. Sorry, you're stuck with me.
Det. Alex Eames: I thought about taking the Sergeants Exam before, but, I had decided against it.
Det. Alex Eames: *because she had a baby... I'll just add that. Buahahaha*

Capt. Danny Ross: *small smirk* I don't mind being stuck with you. But you'll be around here longer than I will - or Nichols, for that matter.
Det. Alex Eames: *smirks back* That's an interesting prediction. Why?
Capt. Danny Ross: The Department encourages COs to push qualified lower-ranking officers toward upward mobility.
Det. Alex Eames: *small smirk* I see. *now she's intrigued by the idea*
Capt. Danny Ross: *shrugs*
Capt. Danny Ross: *like - they made me do it*
Det. Alex Eames: *appears to be studying him now*
Capt. Danny Ross: You'd be good at it.

Det. Alex Eames: *she's trying to ascertain whether he thinks that or others above him think that* *small smile* Thanks.
Capt. Danny Ross: I wouldn't be saying it if I didn't -believe- it.
Det. Alex Eames: *nods at that* That... Thanks. *smiles*
Capt. Danny Ross: *shrugs, drinks his iced tea*
Det. Alex Eames: So, now what? *raised brow*
Capt. Danny Ross: Now what what?
Det. Alex Eames: What I mean is, did you tell me because you want me to do something specific or what? *sips her drink*

Capt. Danny Ross: No - I just wanted to know how you felt about it.
Det. Alex Eames: How I feel about it is I'd be happy to move upward, actually.
Capt. Danny Ross: *nods* And it certainly doesn't have to happen any time soon...but...the possibility is always there.
Capt. Danny Ross: You *are* highly regarded by the brass, and that's not going to change any time soon.
Det. Alex Eames: *small smirk to cover up her surprise* That's good to know. *nods* *like- yeah, nice!*
Capt. Danny Ross: *nods*
Det. Alex Eames: *smiles, sips her water*
Capt. Danny Ross: *drinks his tea*
Det. Alex Eames: *thinking, thinking, thinking*

aim log, danny ross, mcs

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