Just a snippet of my crazy

Oct 29, 2010 20:40

Busy? I always thought I knew what that was. Oh, how wrong I was. I've been buried under work, a toddler, and... other things.

I'll just mention the toddler - Ellie has taken to drawing on everything. It would be fine if it wasn't with permanent marker, and if she hadn't decided that photo albums were just perfect for doodling on. We still don't even know how she got them, but most of my family members now have extra body parts and coloured faces. It's funny... which means, I have to laugh because the other option is not gonna happen.

Another thing she does is parade around in a pink tutu. I swear to you, it was never my idea.


If we do manage to have another baby, I hope it's a boy. That's probably a joke--maybe--but less pink would be good. I'm not naive enough to think a boy wouldn't doodle everywhere.

On that note, we're *still* trying. The universe has a sick sense of humour...

(OOC: So, yeah, I'm behind on a lot of things. She and Dresden trying for another baby should have been mentioned ages ago (but no other characters should know at this point). Also, I'm really trying to get back into RPing, because I miss it. I miss you guys. And the large gap hasn't helped my confidence so please bear with me. I still think the Earth should be flat...
Feel free to either strike up RP here or message me to arrange something.)

baby dresden 2.0, ellie dresden eames, family

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