RP Log | The First Round of Celebration Drinks

Dec 04, 2009 23:02

*the jury files back in and the judge asks that the defense please rise.*

Connie Rubirosa: *Connie wants to glance back at Alex, but she doesn't, instead looks over at the jury foreman*
Alex Eames: *sitting with David, a few rows behind Connie, Alex finds herself holding her breath*

The Judge: Mr. Foreman, how does the jury find?
David Dresden: *supprting her by squeezing her hand*

Foreman: In the case of the People versus Kevin Mulrooney, on the count of murder in the first degree, we find the defendant guilty. *he then reads off the lesser charges, including obstruction of justice, all of which Mulrooney is found guilty for*
Connie Rubirosa: *breathes a sigh of relief*
Alex Eames: *let's out the breath she had been holding in, relieved beyond words, she looks towards Mulrooney and then quickly looks back at David, who is punching the air discreetly- kind of*
Alex Eames: *is that relieved, she can't do any of that, she's overwhelmed a little*

Kevin Mulrooney: *lets out a sound of anger as he gets taken away, throwing evil!eyes to Alex and to Connie*
Connie Rubirosa: *catches his look, stares back at him, with this look: http://l-userpic.livejournal.com/66503670/12672166 *

Alex Eames: *watches him, not looking away but not wanting him to think she cares enough by glaring back at him*
Kevin Mulrooney: *gets taken away*
Connie Rubirosa: *Connie carefully picks up her papers and puts them into her briefcase*
David Dresden: *gently pulls Alex up, getting her to move and snap out of it. She does get up, and they talk whilst they wait for Connie -- discussing Mulrooney's reaction more than anything* *though, it's mostly David doing the talking*
David Dresden: ...it was worth it to see the look on his face.

Connie Rubirosa: *Connie speaks with Jeff for a couple minutes, then makes her way to the gallery*
David Dresden: *waves his hand in front of Alex's face* You still in there? *smirky*

Alex Eames: *grabs his hand* Yeah. I'm just... relieved. *sees Connie*
Connie Rubirosa: *gets to be in front of them, offers a small smile*
David Dresden: *smiles to Alex* *to Connie* He didn't seem too pleased.
Connie Rubirosa: Good. I hope he's miserable the rest of his life.
David Dresden: You and me, both. Though I was probably gonna use a stronger word...
Connie Rubirosa: I'm sure.
Alex Eames: *Alex looks deep in her own thoughts for a moment, barely listening to them but still registering their presence*
David Dresden: So... drink?

Connie Rubirosa: *nods* You do owe me.
David Dresden: And I never fail to pay my debts, and I'm not starting today. So let's go. *looks at Alex* Come on.
Connie Rubirosa: *looks at Alex, too*
Alex Eames: *after a few seconds, she realises they're both looking at her so she looks back at them and gives them both a smile* Yeah... okay, drink. *nods* *when David looks worried, she smiles at him again* No, I'm okay. Sorry, I was listening, I swear. *looks at Connie*
Connie Rubirosa: *another small smile*
David Dresden: *leading the way out, to Connie* She says drink, but I'll bet you anything she'll have water or orange juice. *joking to make it light*
Connie Rubirosa: *smiles a little*
Connie Rubirosa: I might have to make it something non-alcoholic, too.
Alex Eames: *makes this sound like 'haha'*
David Dresden: ...I'm still havin' a beer.

Alex Eames: *to Connie* *trying to get out of herself* Are you okay?
Alex Eames: *they get outside*
Connie Rubirosa: Mm, yeah. My stomach's just in knots..
Alex Eames: *looks back towards the court house* ...because of today?
Connie Rubirosa: Verdict day always gets my stomach in knots.
Alex Eames: *looks concerned for a minute, and then nods* Yeah, I can understand that. *hers had been doing sumersaults all week, too*
Connie Rubirosa: *smiles* I'll be fine.

Alex Eames: *nods, small smile* Good.
David Dresden: Yeah, don't faint on us. *smirks, teasing*
David Dresden: Or worse, barf on me.

Connie Rubirosa: I'm fine. *thinks she might be coming down with something, but doesn't mention that*

Alex Eames: *eyes her, not all that sure she believes she's fine, but she lets it go because a) David is there and b) Connie wouldn't like it and c) they reached the bar*
Connie Rubirosa: *does look more relaxed now that the case is over*
Connie Rubirosa: *smiles*
David Dresden: *doesn't waste time ordering drinks*
Alex Eames: *smiles back*
Connie Rubirosa: *orders a Sprite*
Alex Eames: *she doesn't look so relaxed, just relieved and still a bit off-colour- not just from today but from lack of sleep* *lets David order her an orange juice*

Connie Rubirosa: *sips her Sprite*
David Dresden: *sips his beer and hands Alex her drink* *to Connie* So... how's that other half of yours?
Connie Rubirosa: He's good. *smiles* Busy.

Alex Eames: *smiles, too* That's good. *takes a little sip of her drink*
Connie Rubirosa: *nods* I'm really looking forward to the weekend.
David Dresden: Especially now this case is over, huh?
Connie Rubirosa: *nods*
Connie Rubirosa: We've got a couple of cases that're in the works--still waiting for the cops to get enough evidence for warrants and whatnot--but hopefully this weekend will be quiet.

Alex Eames: Quiet sounds nice...
Alex Eames: *nods*
Connie Rubirosa: Doesn't it?
Connie Rubirosa: *smirk*
David Dresden: *snorts* Dream on. No quiet where we live. There's that little person who squeals the house down, remember?
Connie Rubirosa: *laughs* Aw.
Alex Eames: *smiles* Yeah, I remember.
David Dresden: *to Connie* She literally goes through the whole house, early in the morning, and squeals. As if she's the damn alarm clock.
Connie Rubirosa: That's cute.

David Dresden: *shakes his head* Painful on the ears is what it is
Alex Eames: Ignore him.
Alex Eames: He likes it, really. He doesn't listen to his -actual- alarm clock.
Connie Rubirosa: *laughs*
Connie Rubirosa: *takes another sip of her drink*
David Dresden: I'm gonna let you get away with that. For now. *points at Alex*

Connie Rubirosa: Oh, like you "let" her do anything.
Alex Eames: *gives him a 'yeah, dare you' look* *to Connie* He likes to think he does, and I let him think that.
Connie Rubirosa: *chuckles*

Alex Eames: *smiles at her and then at David*
David Dresden: *all but sticks his tongue out at her*
Alex Eames: *feeling a little better for the distracting jokes*
Connie Rubirosa: So Ellie's running around all healthy and adorable? That's good.
Alex Eames: *bigger smile at that* Yeah, she's getting a bit quicker everyday. Oh, and she said 'nee nee' the other day, which I believe is you.
David Dresden: Yup. It means, I want to stay with Auntie Connie for the night so mommy and daddy can have "alone time"
Alex Eames: *kicks his leg from under the table*
Connie Rubirosa: *laughs*
Connie Rubirosa: Oh, is that so?
David Dresden: Ow

Alex Eames: She did say 'nee nee', which is you
Alex Eames: *smiles*
Connie Rubirosa: What a sweetheart.
Alex Eames: Not sure why, she just started saying your name. *smiles* Guess you made an impression.

Connie Rubirosa: I'd hope so.
Connie Rubirosa: *laughs*
Alex Eames: *smiles, nods* Oh, you definitely have.
David Dresden: So, you gonna change your name to NeeNee?
Connie Rubirosa: *laughs*

Connie Rubirosa: NeeNee Cutter?
David Dresden: Yup.
Alex Eames: *shakes her head*
Connie Rubirosa: *amused at that*
David Dresden: *looks at Alex like 'don't spoil it' as if he can really get Connie to change her name* Legally. *serious nod at Connie*
Connie Rubirosa: Oh, yeah. *serious face*
David Dresden: *claps his hands together like 'YES'*
Connie Rubirosa: *eyeroll*
Connie Rubirosa: *amused*
Alex Eames: *shaking her head, looks at him, deadly serious* You're never gonna grow up, are you?

David Dresden: No. *smirks*
Connie Rubirosa: You didn't realize that before?
Alex Eames: *smiles* There's still time. *to Connie* This is actually an improvement...
Connie Rubirosa: Nice.

David Dresden: *shocked!face* Hey, you're supposed to--*sighs*
Connie Rubirosa: To?
Alex Eames: *smiles* I do. *changing away from the joking* *to Connie* We found an apartment we like...

Connie Rubirosa: Did you? Where at?
Alex Eames: It's in Queens, still.
David Dresden: Forest Hills... or something green...
Connie Rubirosa: *laughs* I know where that is.
Alex Eames: *smiles* We haven't signed or anything like that yet, but it was the better one we've seen.
Connie Rubirosa: That's good.
David Dresden: Safer place, too, I might add.
Alex Eames: *out of the ones they looked at*
Connie Rubirosa: *nods, drinks*
Alex Eames: *sighs, sips her drink*

Connie Rubirosa: *checks the time on her BlackBerry*
Alex Eames: *notices her do that*
David Dresden: *downs his beer*
Connie Rubirosa: *sends a text*
David Dresden: *drops the last drop of his beer into Alex's orange juice*
Alex Eames: Hey!
Connie Rubirosa: *snort*
David Dresden: *innocent!face, did it on purpose to stop her from thinking*

Connie Rubirosa: *laughs*
Alex Eames: *shakes her head, passes him her drink* I wasn't gonna drink it anyway, so the joke is on you.
Connie Rubirosa: Nice.
David Dresden: That's because it wasn't something gooood like beer. *smirks* I would've poured it into hers, but she's texting and she might kill me. You, at least, love me and so I'm safe.
David Dresden: *takes her orange juice and downs that, too*
Connie Rubirosa: What does texting have to do with killing you?

David Dresden: Well, you might claim you didn't stand a chance to stop me? Too distracted by your fancy schmancy technology.
Connie Rubirosa: *smirk* I was just checking the time and sending a text.
Alex Eames: Wait a minute... that's an insult to me. *to Connie* You gotta be somewhere?

Connie Rubirosa: No...just checking when Michael's gonna be going home.
Alex Eames: Is he cooking you some dinner?
Alex Eames: You'll need it if you've had an upset stomach today.
Connie Rubirosa: Not sure what we're doing. I think we might order in....again. *laughs*
David Dresden: Mmmmmm, chinese.
Alex Eames: *chuckles* Again?
Connie Rubirosa: We ordered out earlier in the week. But...you know how it is with jobs like ours.
Connie Rubirosa: *smirk*
Alex Eames: I thought for a moment there, you'd been ordering in every night. *smiles*
Connie Rubirosa: Nah.
Alex Eames: Good. You'll grow outward in ways you won't like

Connie Rubirosa: *smirk* Thanks.

David Dresden: Yeahhh, Alex is such a momma. *smirks* Making sure you eat properly. *teasing*
Connie Rubirosa: It's real sweet of her.
Connie Rubirosa: *sarcastic*
Alex Eames: *eyeroll, shakes her head, pointed look at them both* I could always just leave you to it and then laugh at you when you're fat.
Alex Eames: *smirks, mostly at David*
Alex Eames: *then at Connie*
David Dresden: *laughing*
Connie Rubirosa: You're such a good friend.
David Dresden: *laughing, then nods* Yeah, we probably shouldn't push our luck, huh?
Connie Rubirosa: *shakes her head*
Connie Rubirosa: *checks the time again after receiving a text* I should probably get going....*smirk* Much as I love the two of you, I've hardly seen Michael all week.

David Dresden: *blinks* You love me?
Alex Eames: *lightly taps his arm*
Alex Eames: She doesn't mean like that.
Connie Rubirosa: *smirk*
Connie Rubirosa: *to David* I'm married.

David Dresden: Alex will beat you up.
Connie Rubirosa: Alex will beat you up.

David Dresden: *snorts, and then looks at Alex* Which one of us would you beat up?
Alex Eames: *raised brow* What, if you abandoned me and went with one of my best friends? A beating up would be the least of your worries, believe me. *smirks*

Connie Rubirosa: *chuckles, getting up* I'll see you guys later. Give Ellie a hug for me.
David Dresden: *pats Alex's arm and half hugs her, like, yeahhh, don't kill me, I love you* *then to Connie* Yeah, we'll tell her you're gonna change your name for her.
Connie Rubirosa: You do that.
Connie Rubirosa: *smirks*

Alex Eames: *smiles* Thank you.
David Dresden: *smirks back*
Connie Rubirosa: Thanks for the drink.
David Dresden: It should've been stronger, but you chose your own poison. *smirks*

Alex Eames: *Alex kinda wants to thank her for all the trial stuff, but doesn't want to end it on a weird note so she just smiles instead*
Connie Rubirosa: *smirks as she waves*
David Dresden: Ciao.
Connie Rubirosa: *goes*
Alex Eames: *they stay for a little while, talking about Mulrooney stuff, and then they go and fetch Ellie*

connie rubirosa, aim log, david dresden, kevin mulrooney, trial

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