Millie Logan: *knock knock knock Eames door*
Alex Eames: *opens the door* Hey
Millie Logan: Hey. *iz pregnant*
Isabel Logan: Hi, AnnieAlex! *her hair is in a barrette that's half-falling out, jeans and a t-shirt, carrying a Dora the Explorer backpack*
Alex Eames: Hey *smiles to the pregnant Millie* Hi Isabel. *steps aside to let them in*
Isabel Logan: *waves as she comes in* AnnieAlex, where is Baby Ellie?
Alex Eames Ellie is here, she's in her bedroom with her daddy. She'll be out in a minute.
Alex Eames: *smiles*
Isabel Logan: *nods* We can play.
Millie Logan: *checks the time* I gotta get going....Isabel, will you be good for Auntie Alex?
Isabel Logan: *nods* I'm good, Mami. *smiles*
Millie Logan: *skeptical look* Will you hug your mami goodbye?
Isabel Logan: *hugs Millie as best she can w/ Millie's belly being in the way*
Millie Logan: *kisses the top of her head* I'll see you later.
Isabel Logan: Gooo already!
Alex Eames: *chuckles* I'm sure she'll be good, we'll have a bit of fun.
Isabel Logan: Yeah, we will! Go, Mami.
Millie Logan: Okay, okay. *going out the door* Bye!
Isabel Logan: *waves*
Alex Eames: See you later. *smiles and gives her a wave*
Isabel Logan: *still holding her backpack, looking around Alex's house curiously*
*there's Ellie's toys in the living room*
Alex Eames: You can go in, Isa. *smiles*
Isabel Logan: *runs in, sets her backpack down and pokes at Ellie's toys* AnnieAlex, I went to school to-day.
Alex Eames: Did you? What did you learn today?
*there's a toy shopping trolley, wooden blocks that spell out the name Ellie, and toys that have wooden animals that fit into slots on a table*
Isabel Logan: Songs an' drawing and I spell words. *stacks the blocks up*
Alex Eames: *smiles* Clever girl. *has already made sure any pens that could mark furniture are out the way*
Alex Eames: What words can you spell?
Isabel Logan: Kitty cat. C-A-T.
Alex Eames: *actually applauds her with a grin* Well done.
Isabel Logan: *big grin* An' book. B-O-O-K. Annnnnd my name. I-S-A. *pause* B-E-L.
Alex Eames: Wow! Look at you. You're a big girl now.
Isabel Logan: *proud nod* I can write them. I can show you?
Alex Eames: You can. *hands her a crayon that easily wipes off the walls and furniture, and some paper*
Isabel Logan: *gets all excited, sits at the coffee table to show her*
Alex Eames: *sits with her*
Isabel Logan: *writes her name slowly and hugely*
Millie Logan: *when she finishes, points to each letter as she says it out loud* I-S-A-B-E-L spells Issssa-bel.
Alex Eames: *claps with a smile* I'm impressed. *grins*
Isabel Logan: *smiles back* How d'you spell AnnieAlex?
Alex Eames: A-L-E-X *because it would be mean to make the child spell out AUNTIE ALEX*
Alex Eames: *shows her on the paper* Alex.
Isabel Logan: *takes her crayon and copies it*
Alex Eames: *huge smile*
Isabel Logan: A-L-E-X. *giggles* Is AnnieAlex.
Isabel Logan: *giggling* X! X, X, X. *because X is a fun letter to pronounce for a three-year old*
Alex Eames: *chuckles* Yes. Good girl.
David Dresden: *slowly walking down the hall with Ellie, reaches them when Isabel is going "X X X X X"*
Ellie Eames: *toddling, holding onto David's hand*
Isabel Logan: *spells it again, pointing to the letters* A-L-E-X-X-X-X-X!
Alex Eames: Usually I only use one 'X'
Millie Logan: *just repeats when she gets to X*
Isabel Logan: *giggles*
David Dresden: What's with all the 'X's?
Alex Eames: We're doing spelling.
Isabel Logan: Hi, Ellie's Daddy Day-vid. I spelled Auntie Alex's name.
David Dresden: Hi, Isabel. That's great, when you get chance could you teach me? *grin*
Isabel Logan: *nods*
Ellie Eames: Meeee. *squeals*
David Dresden: *sincerely* Thank you.
Isabel Logan: I'm smart, I can show you. *then sees Ellie* Hiii, Ellie.
Ellie Eames: Leelee! *reaches the living room and David lets go of her hands, and she grabs the couch instead and goes towards Isabel with a huge grin*
Isabel Logan: *grins* You walk fast, BabyEllie.
Alex Eames: That she does, she'll be chasing you soon enough.
Ellie Eames: *baby!giggle*
Isabel Logan: *grins* You wanna color with me, BabyEllie?
Ellie Eames: *doesn't understand the question* Leelee? *points to her feet*
Isabel Logan: *points to the paper and crayons* Color?
Ellie Eames: *tries to say colour but it just sounds like gibberish, she holds onto the table and holds one of the crayons in a fist* Hehehehehe
Isabel Logan: *slides a piece of blank paper over to her, gets a fresh piece of paper for herself, starts to draw*
Ellie Eames: *watches her for a moment and then starts stabbing at the paper with the crayon*
David Dresden: What did the paper do to you, Ellie?
Isabel Logan: *drawing vaguely-people-shaped blobs*
Ellie Eames: *the paper gets away from her and she's stabbing the table instead*
Alex Eames: *tries to get her to just draw on the paper*
Ellie Eames: Nahhh
Ellie Eames: *looks at Isabel's drawing*
Isabel Logan: *points to a blob* I draw you, Ellie.
Ellie Eames: Leelee. *points to the blob, confused*
Isabel Logan: Yeahhh. *grins, points to slightly larger blob* An' that's AnnieAlex. *pause* Your mami.
Ellie Eames: *looks over at Alex, who is sitting and keeping an eye on them* Mama? *points to Alex*
Isabel Logan: Yeah. *grins, starts drawing another blob*
Ellie Eames: *watches and pats Isa's drawing*
Isabel Logan: *giggly as she works on the third blob, which is bigger than the other two, draws something resembling a face in*
Ellie Eames: *points* Aaaaat
Isabel Logan: Tha's Day-vid-not-my-uncle.
Millie Logan: *points to David himself as if to clarify*
Millie Logan: *and then back to the drawing*
Ellie Eames: Dada. *looks over at David*
David Dresden: *looks up from what he was doing and raises a brow* Yes?
Isabel Logan: Yeah, that's him. *points to the blob*
Alex Eames: Isabel is drawing a picture of you. *smirks*
David Dresden: Don't make me fat.
Isabel Logan: *giggles* You are the biggest. *points to the three blobs*
David Dresden: The biggest?*gets up and goes over to them and looks at this drawing* Ahhh, it meets my approval.
Isabel Logan: *giggles, then starts copying Alex's name from the other piece of paper, and adds a few more Xs*
David Dresden: *amused, and smirks at Alex* *to Isa* So, that's how you spell Alex? *chuckles*
Isabel Logan: Yep. A-L-E-X. *points*
David Dresden: *grins* Hey, Alex, I know how to spell your name now.
Alex Eames: Good. *smirks*
David Dresden: Thanks, Isabel. *chuckles*
Ellie Eames: Beeeell
Isabel Logan: You're welcome.
Isabel Logan: *to Ellie* IIiiisa-bel.
Ellie Eames: *grins* Bell
David Dresden: *smirks*
Isabel Logan: *giggle*
Isabel Logan: *goes from kneeling by the coffee table to sitting up on the couch*
Ellie Eames: *shrieking and laughter, clapping her hands*
Isabel Logan: *giggling because Ellie is, bounces a little in her seat on the couch*
Alex Eames: *sounds of barking from the kitchen*
Ellie Eames: *shrieks* Dag!
Isabel Logan: *eyes get big*
Max: *comes into the living room and sniffs Ellie and then looks at Isabel*
Ellie Eames: *pats Max* Daaaag.
Isabel Logan: *watches*
Alex Eames: *stops Max from going to Isabel*
David Dresden: You don't like dogs, Isa?
Isabel Logan: *thinks about this* I like nice dogs. That don' jump.
David Dresden: Max is a good dog. He's an old softie. *strokes Max's head* See? You can come say hello to him.
Isabel Logan: *goes over and pets Max's side carefully*
Max: *lets her, because he's used to it, wags his tail*
Alex Eames: Max loves kids, Isabel. He protected Ellie a few weeks ago at the park. *smiles, wanting her not to be scared but prepared to confine the dog if she is*
Isabel Logan: He doesn't jump. *smiles, keeps petting* My kitty jumps when he's mad.
David Dresden: Nah, he's too old to jump.
Ellie Eames: Daggie.
Isabel Logan: *keeps petting Max, smiling* His name is Max? *giggle*
Alex Eames: Yes. *chuckles*
Alex Eames: Max, the former police dog. *smirks*
David Dresden: Former? He still thinks he's on the job.
Isabel Logan: *giggling* AnnieAlex, Max is a dog and a people.
David Dresden: *looks confused*
Alex Eames: She's talking about Max Hayes, the little boy you met at Ellie's party.
David Dresden: Ohhhh. Yeah. They share the same name. *chuckles*
Isabel Logan: *pets Max* Max the dog is a p'leas dog?
Ellie Eames: Peeeees. *goes over to Alex and holds up her hands*
Alex Eames: *picks her up*
David Dresden: Yep. He worked with me.
Isabel Logan: My mami and daddy are p'leas.
Isabel Logan: *points to Alex* And AnnieAlex is a pleas.
David Dresden: *chuckles* I know. Me, too.
Isabel Logan: You are a p'leas too?
David Dresden: Yup.
Isabel Logan: *giggles*
Isabel Logan: You have a p'lease batch?
David Dresden: *amused* I do. It has teeth marks in it from when Ellie got a hold of it.
Isabel Logan: *giggles*
Isabel Logan: *pats Max again*
Max: *wags his tail and barks*
Isabel Logan: Eep.
David Dresden: It's okay, he's saying hello.
Isabel Logan: Hello, Dog-Max.
Max: *barks again*
Ellie Eames: *sitting with Alex, giggles and tries to bark, too*
Isabel Logan: *laughs at Ellie's barking, sits on the floor near Max*
David Dresden: *laughs, shaking his head*
Max: *sits with Isabel*
Isabel Logan: *to Max* You sit here and I color, okay?
Max: *barks*
Isabel Logan: *takes this as a yes, starts coloring a new picture*
David Dresden: *figures she's okay now and steps away*
Isabel Logan: *coloring*
David Dresden: Hungry. Gonna grab food.
Isabel Logan: *looks up at David and then to Alex* We have a snack?
Alex Eames: Yeah, what would you like?
Isabel Logan: *thinks* Cookies? *hopeful smile*
David Dresden: There's this rule in this house where you have to eat a sandwich before a cookie. So, you can have a cookie, but you gotta eat a sandwich first. Deal?
Isabel Logan: I like san'wiches.
David Dresden: Excellent. What do you want on it?
Isabel Logan: Cheeeese.
Alex Eames: We want some, too. *smirks, holding up Ellie's hand*
Isabel Logan: *giggles, draws*
David Dresden: Did I become some kind of sandwich-maker in the last two minutes?
Alex Eames: Yes. Go make sandwiches.
David Dresden: *fake dramatic sigh* Yes, ma'am. *fake salute and then goes to the kitchen*
Isabel Logan: *finds this very amusing, laughing* Yeah, go make san'wiches!
David Dresden: *gives Isa a fake salute, too*
Alex Eames: *laughs*
Isabel Logan: *gigglefit*
David Dresden: *after a while, he comes back with a pile of sandwiches* I didn't realise that today I would be spending the day with three bossy women. But here you go.
Isabel Logan: Yeah, I'm bossy.
David Dresden: You're telling me.
Alex Eames: I'm not bossy.
David Dresden: *gives her a LOOK*
Isabel Logan: AnnieAlex, you boss too. *grin*
Alex Eames: No, see, I'm innocent.
Isabel Logan: *giggles, goes to grab a sandwich, remembers to be polite, tells David 'thank you' through a mouthful of food*
David Dresden: *amused by that* You're welcome.
Isabel Logan: *gobble gobble*
David Dresden: *hands Ellie a sandwich*
Isabel Logan: *pokes Alex* Can I have a juice?
Alex Eames: You can if you say please for me. *smiles*
Ellie Eames: *taking a part the sandwich and eating the bread*
Isabel Logan: Please for me.
Alex Eames: *chuckles* Okay. *goes to get her a juice and David helps Ellie instead*
Isabel Logan: *waits, wiggling her feet*
Ellie Eames: *drops half her sandwich and looks sad*
Isabel Logan: *tilts her head at Ellie, curious look*
Isabel Logan: Wassa matter, BabyEllie?
David Dresden: *picking up her sandwich and putting it out her reach, and then grabs her another* She needs to stop dropping her food.
Isabel Logan: Ooh. *goes back to her own food, om nom*
Ellie Eames: *grabs the new sandwich and babbles at it*
Alex Eames: *comes back with a cup of juice for Isabel*
Isabel Logan: Thankyou. *takes the cup, drinks from it carefully*
Alex Eames: You're welcome
Isabel Logan: *gives Alex a cheesy smile*
Alex Eames: *chuckles at that* Niice.
Isabel Logan: I am a nice girl. *serious nod*
Alex Eames: *smiles* You are. I think everyone agrees. *chuckles*
Isabel Logan: *goes back to her sandwich*
Ellie Eames: *holds out part of her sandwich to Isabel, it's mushed up*
Isabel Logan: That's your san'wich, BabyEllie. You eat it.
Ellie Eames: *takes that as a no and holds it out to Alex*
Alex Eames: You eat it. I don't want that.
Ellie Eames: *holds it out to David*
David Dresden: *he eats it*
Alex Eames: Hey. David...
David Dresden: *looks innocent* What? She offered it to me.
Isabel Logan: *getting crumbs on herself, slurps her juice*
Alex Eames: *shakes her head at him*
Alex Eames: *Alex grabs David's sandwich and eats it*
Isabel Logan: Oooh, you take Day-vid's san'wich.
David Dresden: *so used to this, grabs another sandwich and quickly crams into his mouth*
Alex Eames: *smirks* *to Isa* It's okay. It works out fairly because he takes my food, too.
Isabel Logan: *giggles* My daddy eats my food. An' my mami's food son'times.
Ellie Eames: *watches Isabel instead of eating her sandwich*
Alex Eames: *chuckles* I can believe your daddy does that
Isabel Logan: *giggles* My daddy is big an' tall an' when I growed up, I will be BIGGER an' TALLER.
Alex Eames: Bigger? You don't want that. Taller is allowed. But don't get too tall, you'll hit your head on the ceiling...
Isabel Logan: *giggle*
David Dresden: Or worse... the clouds
Ellie Eames: *bouncing and mushing up her sandwich, still watching Isabel*
Isabel Logan: *peers over* You don' eat your san'wich, BabyEllie?
Ellie Eames: *waves at her, the piece of bread still in her hand, and slices of cheese on her legs*
David Dresden: *reaches over and takes the bread and breaks a piece off for her to eat* Don't waste food, eat it.
Isabel Logan: Food is good, Ellie. *noms the rest of her sandwich*
Ellie Eames: DADA! *turned her head away, like NO*
Ellie Eames: *looks at Isabel and laughs*
Isabel Logan: *finishes, then looks at David* I can have a cookie now, Day-vid?
David Dresden: *still trying to get Ellie to eat her sandwich* Sure you can.
Alex Eames: *smirks* ...I'll get it. *lets David deal with Ellie, and goes to get these cookies*
Isabel Logan: *grins, jumps off the couch and follows Alex*
Alex Eames: *chuckles and goes to the kitchen, knowing she's following and grabs the cookie jar and puts one on one of Ellie's purple plastic plates*
Alex Eames: *hands it to her*
Isabel Logan: *excited* Thank you.
Alex Eames: You're welcome. *smiles*
Ellie Eames: *in the living room, is now playing with her toy flower pot*
Isabel Logan: *starts munching on it* I can have two? *holds up two fingers, talking through mouthful of cookie*
Alex Eames: *looks towards the kitchen door and puts a finger to her lips* Ssssh, *puts another one on her plate* Don't tell David.
Isabel Logan: *big sneaky grin* I don't tell.
Alex Eames: Good girl.
Alex Eames: *smiles*
Isabel Logan: *noms her cookie*
Alex Eames: *goes back to the living room*
Alex Eames: You coming?
Isabel Logan: *goes after, eating one cookie still and w/ the other cookie on her plate*
Alex Eames: *sits back down and looks over at Ellie with a raised brow* Where did that toy come from? *frowning, since she hadn't seen it in the living room before*
David Dresden: She hid it behind the cushions. *smirks*
Ellie Eames: *shows her flower off to Isabel*
Ellie Eames: *babbles at her, with lots of baby words*
Isabel Logan: *laughs* That's a silly flower.
Ellie Eames: *tries to make it sing again, a look of concentration on her face whilst she does that and then the song starts and she lights up with excitement again*
Isabel Logan: *laughs*
Ellie Eames: *bouncing like she's dancing to it*
David Dresden: *smirks, and shakes his head*
Isabel Logan: *nom nom cookie!*
Ellie Eames: LOOOOOOO. *holds the flower out to Isabel and waves it*
Alex Eames: *pulls the flower back slightly* Don't hit her with it, Ellie.
David Dresden: come she has two cookies and I have none?
Alex Eames: She doesn't have two cookies.
David Dresden: *gestures to Isabel's plate*
Alex Eames: That's not two cookies. That's one and a... bit.
Isabel Logan: *eats the rest of the first cookie quickly* I only have one cookie, Day-vid. *all sly-like*
Alex Eames: Yeah, David. *smirks*
David Dresden: It was two...
Alex Eames: No, see, you can't count.
Alex Eames: *winks at Isabel*
Isabel Logan: *holds up her cookie and w/ her other hand holds up one finger* One is one, David. *like he's dumb*
Alex Eames: *bursts out laughing at that*
David Dresden: *folds his arms* I'm on to you, ladies. I know what's going on. *goes off to the kitchen and comes back with his own two cookies* And two can play that game. *sits back down next to Ellie*
Ellie Eames: *crawls over and pulls herself up so she's standing on the seat, holding onto his shoulder, she takes one of his cookies like ooooh* Nah, nah, nah.
Isabel Logan: See, David. You have one cookie, too. *big grin*
David Dresden: Women. *shakes his head* *to Alex* You promised me I wouldn't get bullied.
Isabel Logan: *grins at Ellie*
Alex Eames: *smirks* Would it help if I said I still love you?
David Dresden: No.
Ellie Eames: *waves the cookie around and grins at Isabel*
Isabel Logan: *laughing*
Alex Eames: Look at it this way -- you're helping with her maths. *smirks*
Isabel Logan: *points to her own cookie* One --*then to David's*--two--*then to Ellie's*---threeeee. *nom* Four-five-six-seven.
David Dresden: So we are. *chuckles* Good job, kiddo.
Alex Eames: *applauds her, because really, it is pretty clever*
Isabel Logan: I do counts with Sesame Street.
Ellie Eames: *starts raising her voice and flapping her arms about*
Isabel Logan: *giggle*
Alex Eames: *smiles* Ellie watches a lot of that, too.
David Dresden: Elmo. It's that Elmo character.
Ellie Eames: Eeeee-mo. *squeals*
Isabel Logan: *giggles* I count with the Count. An' I like Big Bird. He is tall.
David Dresden: Like you want to be tall, huh? You gonna be that tall?
Ellie Eames: *still standing on the couch, goes over to Alex and in a sing-song voice* Eee-mo. Mooooo. Bah-bah-bah.
Isabel Logan: Yes. *stands up on the couch, so she's taller than he is* I will be the tallest.
David Dresden: Yeah? *stands up on the couch, too* Best eat your green vegetables.
Alex Eames: Hey! You could've just stood up on the floor...
David Dresden: *smirky*
Isabel Logan: *stands on the arm of the couch, debates climbing ON him to be taller*
David Dresden: Green vegetables are your only option, Isabel. *chuckles* But don't worry, I'm sure you'll beat me one day.
Alex Eames: *rolls her eyes* Get off the furniture. Both of you.
David Dresden: Uh-oh. *holds out his hand to Isabel* Best get down, we'll be in trouble.
Isabel Logan: Eeep! *takes his hand, jumps off*
David Dresden: *steps off as she jumps*
Isabel Logan: *giggles*
David Dresden: *very amused*
Max: *barks at them*
Alex Eames: *puts Ellie down on the floor, too, so she's standing next to Alex and holding on to her knees*
Isabel Logan: *sits down to color again*
Alex Eames: *to Ellie* Can you say quack-quack like Elmo? *since that's what they had been doing whilst the two bigger kids were standing on furniture*
Ellie Eames: Eee-moo
Alex Eames: No, quack-quack.
David Dresden: *grabs his own paper and starts colouring, too*
Isabel Logan: *makes a "duck"*
Isabel Logan: Quack quack. *looks at David* Whatchoo drawin'?
Ellie Eames: Kaaak.
Alex Eames: Quack-quack.
Ellie Eames: Kak-kak. *all cute*
David Dresden: Alex. *smirks*
Isabel Logan: *cocks her head, looks at the drawing*
Isabel Logan: Na-uhhh.
Ellie Eames: Kak-kak. Kak-kak. Kak-kak. Kak-kak.
David Dresden: Uh-huh.
David Dresden: *it's stick figure Alex*
Ellie Eames: *cruises over to David and taps his head, since he's sitting on the floor* Kak-kak.
Isabel Logan: *giggles*
Millie Logan: *just then, Millie knocks on the door*
David Dresden: *looks at her and grins* Good girl. *gives her a hug*
Alex Eames: *goes to answer the door* Hey
Alex Eames: *lets her in*
Millie Logan: Hey. *a little tired*
Isabel Logan: Mami!!
Millie Logan: *isa waves*
Millie Logan: Hey, babygirl. Get you stuff. Hey, David.
Isabel Logan: I don't wanna go.
David Dresden: *trying to get Ellie to help him draw Alex* Hey. How's it going?
Millie Logan: You gotta go. *then to David* All right. Long day. Had to wait in the doctor's office forever, it seemed like.
Alex Eames: It doesn't seem like five minutes ago since you dropped her off. *chuckles*
Isabel Logan: *still not getting up*
Millie Logan: C'mon, Isa. *then to Alex* Really? It feels like forever.
Alex Eames: Yeah, really. I hope your appointment went okay besides the waiting.
David Dresden: *to Isabel, softly* I think your mommy's waiting for you.
David Dresden: *it's in a secret-secret whisper voice*
Ellie Eames: *lets go of David and cruises over to Millie and Alex*
Ellie Eames: *not holding on as much as she used to, though*
Isabel Logan: *shakes her head at David* I will stay here!
Millie Logan: *to Alex* It was fine. He's healthy. *pats her belly* Mike went with me but he had to get back out on a case right after.
Alex Eames: That's good to hear. I'm glad he's doing okay in there. *smiles*
Ellie Eames: *to Millie with a wave* Yeeee.
Millie Logan: *nods, then waves at Ellie* Hi, Ellie.
David Dresden: Ahhh, are you sure you want to stay here? Mommy and daddy will miss you.
Isabel Logan: *nods* I stay an' my mami will get me later.
Millie Logan: Your mami's getting you now.
Isabel Logan: Noooo. *whines*
Ellie Eames: *grins and then goes to babble at Millie, a lot, like she's telling her alllll about her day*
Millie Logan: Oh, really? *to Ellie*
Ellie Eames: Neeeee. Eeee-mooo. *claps her hands, not aware she's not holding on* Kak-kak.
David Dresden: What if you go now with your mommy, and then another day you can all come over again?
Isabel Logan: *thinks about this*
Ellie Eames: *proud smile*
Alex Eames: *watching Ellie just stand there, not holding on*
David Dresden: Yeah?
Isabel Logan: *makes a face*
Millie Logan: Isabel. Do you want to be in trouble?
Isabel Logan: No. I wanna stay heeere.
Millie Logan: What a rude little girl. You didn't even ask. And besides that, Daddy's waiting at home for you.
Isabel Logan: *eyes light up at that, had forgotten about her daddy* My daddy?
Millie Logan: Yes. Your daddy. *smirks*
Alex Eames: Who else's daddy could you have meant? *amused*
Millie Logan: I have no clue.
Isabel Logan: *jumps up off the couch, then to David, because she hasn't forgotten* But I come back another day.
David Dresden: You better. *smirks*
Alex Eames: How nice. *amused*
Millie Logan: What do you say to Auntie Alex and David and Ellie?
Isabel Logan: *grabs Alex's hand, all dramatic* Thaaaank you.
Alex Eames: *amused by this, shakes her hand in a serious manner* You're very welcome. It was nice having you over. Even if you did stand on my furniture... *smirks*
Millie Logan: Isa!
Alex Eames: It's not her fault. David did it as well. He's in trouble, don't worry.
Isabel Logan: *sticks her tongue out*
David Dresden: *raises his hand* My bad.
Millie Logan: Ayyy, Isabel.
Millie Logan: *sighs* She does it to our couch, too. *shakes her head*
Isabel Logan: *grins* I am good. Boys named David are bad. *pointed look at her mom's belly*
Alex Eames: It's a child thing. Isn't it... David?
David Dresden: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm in trouble. I get it.
Millie Logan: *gives Isa a look*
Isabel Logan: *makes a face back*
Millie Logan: C'mon. Let's go before they have to see you get a spank.
David Dresden: What's wrong with boys named David? *all like mock-offended*
Isabel Logan: I don't get spanked! *then to David* Boys named David stiiiiink. *points to Millie's belly* Yuck.
David Dresden: I don't stink. *points to Alex* She makes me shower!
Isabel Logan: Boys smelllll.
Millie Logan: She learned that at preschool.
Millie Logan: C'mon, Isa, let's go.
David Dresden: No, it's all lies.
Isabel Logan: *grabs her backpack*
Alex Eames: *puts a hand over his mouth*
Millie Logan: *laughs*
Millie Logan: Thanks for watching her.
Alex Eames: It's no problem, really. *smiles at them*
Ellie Eames: *holding onto her walker, and not even paying attention to them*
Isabel Logan: Bye-bye, Ellie.
Ellie Eames: *hears her name and looks up* Leelee?
Isabel Logan: Yeah, I go bye-bye now. Bye-bye. *waves*
Ellie Eames: *waves* Wayyy. Wayyy
Isabel Logan: *giggles and goes to grab Millie's arm*
Ellie Eames: *standing up, once again, hands free and waving*
Isabel Logan: Bye AnnieAlex, bye Dayvid-Ellie'sDaddy.
Alex Eames: Bye. *chuckles*
David Dresden: See ya later. *little wave*
Millie Logan: Bye, guys.
Alex Eames: *holds the door open for them*
Ellie Eames: Wayyyy. Wayyyy. Wayyyy
*Millie and Isa go*