RP Log | Saturday Lunch

Aug 01, 2009 22:10

Liz Rodgers: *Liz is at a diner in Queens, around midday. Normally she doesn't get out to Queens, but she had a couple of work-related errands to run this lovely Saturday morning which took her to a precinct in Alex's neighborhood...Thankfully, her shift was only a few hours, for half a day. Before she gets back to Manhattan, she decides to stop for lunch*

Alex Eames: *Having spent the morning visiting her parents, Alex was having a break from the madness, and had decided that lunch was definitely in order. So, she and Ellie were having a leisurely ladies lunch... or, pretending to... with lots of greasy goodness*

Liz Rodgers: *goes in. The diner is fairly busy and she looks around for a seat, briefly wondering if making the stop was a good idea, or if she should've waited till she got back to the Village*

Alex Eames: *sitting in a booth, she looks up from helping Ellie with her food to see Liz walk in--she does a double-take*
Liz Rodgers: *doesn't immediately see her, looking around for a table...*
Alex Eames: *gives her a slight wave to grab her attention, knowing it's busy and that no one else is sitting at their table*

Liz Rodgers: *sees her, raises a brow, then waves back*
Alex Eames: *indicates to the free seat*
Liz Rodgers: *goes over* Well this was unexpected. *smiles* Hi.
Alex Eames: It is. What brings you to Queens? *smiles back*
Liz Rodgers: Work. *takes a seat across the booth* And this must be Ellie.

Ellie Eames: *sitting relatively nicely in her stroller, food all over her fingers*
Alex Eames: Ah, work. Not fun. *shakes her head* And yes, this is Ellie.
Liz Rodgers: Luckily it was just part of a morning shift that I was covering for someone else. *smiles at Ellie* Hi, Ellie.

Alex Eames: How'd this person get out of doing the work?
Ellie Eames: *looks up from her little toast and grins up at her* Yo-yo-yo *holds out a piece of toast to her*
Liz Rodgers: They had their kid's baseball tournament to go to.
Liz Rodgers: *laughs* Yo-yo-yo?
Alex Eames: Fun times. *smirks* She means hello. *smiles*
Liz Rodgers: That's cute.

Alex Eames: *laughs* It is. How're you otherwise?
Liz Rodgers: I'm all right. *smiles* Yourself?
Alex Eames: I'm fine. *returns the smile* Just trying to spend the day with doing as little as possible.

Liz Rodgers: Good way to spend a Saturday.
Alex Eames: Yes. *nods* You know, I don't think I've ever seen you away from work.
Liz Rodgers: Really?
Alex Eames: Yeah, really.

Liz Rodgers: ...well, I do have a life outside of work, believe it or not.
Liz Rodgers: *smirk*
Alex Eames: I'm starting to see signs... *smirks back* It's nice to know.
Liz Rodgers: *nods*
Alex Eames: No, I'm sure you did have a life. I just never saw you.
Liz Rodgers: Now you have. *looks at her menu*
Alex Eames: That I have. *smirks* What're your plans for the rest of today?
Alex Eames: After work, I mean.
Liz Rodgers: Work's over...I was just grabbing a bite before heading home...probably just try to relax.

Alex Eames: Sounds like a good plan. *nods*
Liz Rodgers: *nods* And you two?
Alex Eames: *lifts Ellie up out her stroller and sits her on her knee, helping her with the rest of her food* The plan is to go home, but I might let her see the park first.
Liz Rodgers: I'm sure that'll be fun.
Alex Eames: It will be for her. *chuckles*
Liz Rodgers: *smiles* Not for you?
Alex Eames: I just want to do nothing, and sleep. That would be fun.
Liz Rodgers: I don't think I did a lot of sleeping during my son's early years.
Alex Eames: No, I miss sleep. *smiles* How old is your son?
Liz Rodgers: He's about to turn 30.
Alex Eames: *chuckles* Does he live in New York?

Liz Rodgers: He does.

Alex Eames: That's good, *smiles*
Liz Rodgers: It is nice.
Alex Eames: Easier to visit him, and nag him, I'm sure.
Liz Rodgers: I try not to be a nagging mother..most of the time.
Alex Eames: *smiles* You wouldn't be a mother if you didn't nag at some point, I think.
Liz Rodgers: *smirks*
Liz Rodgers: *waitress comes and takes her order*
Alex Eames: *smirks back*
Ellie Eames: *still eating her pieces of toast and smooshing it against her face everytime she missed her mouth*

Liz Rodgers: *chuckles at Ellie*
Ellie Eames: *offers more toast to Liz*
Liz Rodgers: I'm good, thanks
Alex Eames: *gently pulls the toast back from Ellie and encourages her to eat it instead* Stop handing out mushed-up food. No one wants it.
Liz Rodgers: *laughs*
Liz Rodgers: At least she's sharing.
Alex Eames: For now. *laughs, too*

Liz Rodgers: How's...Dresden?
Alex Eames: David's fine, thanks. *smiles*
Liz Rodgers: *nods*
Alex Eames: He's busy working on his car. *nods, sips her drink*
Liz Rodgers: *nods*
Alex Eames: *little smile*
Alex Eames: *goes back to helping Ellie*
Liz Rodgers: *her food comes - pancakes, bacon and eggs - starts eating*
Alex Eames: *leaves her to it, stopping Ellie from throwing toast at her*

Alex Eames: *figuring Liz wanted to eat in peace, and that she didn't want raining toast*

Liz Rodgers: *shifts in her seat, takes her cell phone from her jeans pocket, sets it on the table, takes a drink of coffee* Ah, diner coffee.
Alex Eames: Mmmm, yum. *smirks*
Ellie Eames: *spots the shiny phone*
Liz Rodgers: *smirks* Helps me stay awake. They usually make it pretty strong.
Liz Rodgers: *not payng attn to Ellie looking at her phone*
Alex Eames: *chuckles* You have trouble staying awake? Would you like to borrow my partner, he'll keep you on your toes.
Liz Rodgers: No thank you.

Liz Rodgers: It helps for those early mornings or long evenings.
Alex Eames: No? Shame, *smirks* I know what you mean. I can't survive without coffee.
Liz Rodgers: *shakes her head* I have enough detectives to deal with.
Alex Eames: Yeah? Who else gets on your nerves?
Ellie Eames: *puts her toast down on her lap and eyes the phone*

Liz Rodgers: Oh, everyone at one time or another.
Alex Eames: How do you survive? *smirks*
Ellie Eames: *plunges forward and grabs at the phone* Ooooooh
Liz Rodgers: I enjoy a good verbal bitchslapping every now and again. *smirks back* *when Ellie grabs it, it goes off, "Ross, D." coming up on the screen, which Alex will be able to see*
Alex Eames: *tries to take the phone off Ellie* No, see, give that to me.
Ellie Eames: *firm grip* *holds it to her face* Nah nah nah
Liz Rodgers: *not terribly concerned, more amused, wonders who's calling, but not that much*

Alex Eames: *frowns at the caller ID* Ellie, I don't think Ross wants to speak to you. *somewhat wondering why Ross wants to speak to Rodgers, however*
Liz Rodgers: *raises a brow* Oh, is that--the captain? *keeps ringing*
Ellie Eames: *cries when Alex gets it away from her little fingers*
Alex Eames: *only to see that she'd answered it*

Liz Rodgers: You can have it back when I'm done. *takes the phone from Alex, answers* Rodgers....

Ellie Eames: *crying*
Alex Eames: *bounces her and tries to soothe her*
Liz Rodgers: *...Captain Ross, how can I help you? *her voice a little deliberate*
Alex Eames: *looks over at her with a raised brow, but concentrates on Ellie*
Liz Rodgers: *..I'm at lunch at the moment. With Detective Eames, actually.

Ellie Eames: BAAAAAAH bah bah bah.
Liz Rodgers: *I'll get back to you on that. Take care. *hangs up, makes sure that the phone's keypad is locked so that Ellie can't dial anything, and holds it out to her with a smile* There you go.

Alex Eames: You sure you want to give that to her?
Ellie Eames: *takes it with a huge smile, big eyes*
Liz Rodgers: It's beat up enough. And I set it so she can't dial anything.
Alex Eames: Okay, as long as you're sure. *smiles*
Liz Rodgers: I wouldn't have give it to her if I wasn't.
Ellie Eames: *playing with the phone*

Alex Eames: Just letting you know she can be pretty rough. *laughs*
Liz Rodgers: *laughs* It's all right.
Liz Rodgers: *takes a bite of her food*
Ellie Eames: *shakes the phone*

Alex Eames: Did Ross want you to do more work?
Liz Rodgers: Something like that. *takes another drink of coffee*
Alex Eames: *frowns, and then raises her brow*
Alex Eames: Oh?
Ellie Eames: *babbles, as she plays with the phone*
Liz Rodgers: *small smile* He owes me lunch.
Alex Eames: *slow nod* I see.
Liz Rodgers: *shrugs*
Liz Rodgers: *eats*

Alex Eames: *ponders this*
Alex Eames: *then shrugs*
Ellie Eames: Yo-yo. *holds up the phone to Alex*
Liz Rodgers: Is that her favorite word?
Alex Eames: Yes, she has a few words that she'll say a lot. But that one has been her favourite for a while now.
Alex Eames: *smiles*
Alex Eames: *then helps Ellie hold the phone to her ear*
Liz Rodgers: *amused*

Alex Eames: It gets annoying after a while.
Liz Rodgers: I remember when Gregory used to do that...
Alex Eames: What was his word?

Liz Rodgers: *thinks* He heard people calling me Doctor...
Liz Rodgers: He would say 'docker, docker, docker"
Alex Eames: *laughs at that* How cute.
Liz Rodgers: *chuckles*
Alex Eames: *smiles*
Ellie Eames: Daaa, *babbles*
Liz Rodgers: *smiles*
Alex Eames: Here, Ellie, can you say Liz? *not wanting to ask her to say Rodgers*

Alex Eames: *that's just mean*
Ellie Eames: *just lets out a lot of baby babble sounds*
Liz Rodgers: *laughs*
Alex Eames: Liz.

Ellie Eames: Leelee!
Alex Eames: No, not you.
Liz Rodgers: That's cute.

Alex Eames: *smirks* I like her version of her name. *chuckles*
Liz Rodgers: *nods*
Ellie Eames: Leelee *she's saying this into the phone that Alex is helping her hold towards her ear*
Liz Rodgers: I wonder who she's telling her name to.
Alex Eames: *amused at that* Who are you speaking to, Ellie?
Ellie Eames: Leelee
Alex Eames: You're talking to yourself?
Liz Rodgers: *grinning*

Ellie Eames: Mama.
Alex Eames: *laughs*
Liz Rodgers: So she's talking to you on the phone...
Alex Eames: So it would seem... Ellie, I'm right here. *smirks*
Ellie Eames: *points to Liz*
Liz Rodgers: Yes?
Ellie Eames: *babbles at her, in excited little sentences that mean nothing to anyone but her*

Liz Rodgers: Is that right?
Ellie Eames: Leelee! *squeals*
Alex Eames: *covers her ear, because Ellie's right next to it*
Liz Rodgers: *amused*
Liz Rodgers: She sure is lively.

Liz Rodgers: Not that that should be a surprise.
Alex Eames: Oh? *amused*
Liz Rodgers: Well you are her mother.
Alex Eames: *smirks back* I'm lively? *laughs*
Liz Rodgers: I'd say so.

Alex Eames: Well... thanks. *chuckles*
Liz Rodgers: *done with her food*
Alex Eames: *still attempting to eat hers, having spent far too long helping Ellie with hers*
Liz Rodgers: *drinks coffee, watching Ellie*
Ellie Eames: *looking like she's trying to pull the phone apart*
Liz Rodgers: Careful.

Ellie Eames: *pressing a button that makes the screen light up, but it just tells her to unlock it* Oooooh
Liz Rodgers: *laughs*
Alex Eames: *chuckling*

Ellie Eames: *baby!giggle, tries to get it to do it again*
Liz Rodgers: *drinnks more coffee*
Ellie Eames: *when she can't get it to do it again, she fusses*
Liz Rodgers: Uh-oh.
Ellie Eames: *rubs her face in frustration and then holds up the phone to Alex*

Alex Eames: *pushes a random button and it lights up again*
Ellie Eames: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Liz Rodgers: *laughs*
Ellie Eames: *delighted shriek*
Alex Eames: Easily entertained...
Liz Rodgers: Kids usually are.

Liz Rodgers: ..kids and cops.
Alex Eames: *raises her brow* Is that so?
Liz Rodgers: *looks at her*
Liz Rodgers: One word.
Liz Rodgers: Goren.

Alex Eames: You think Bobby would be all big-eyed over a light on a phone?
Alex Eames: *smirks*
Liz Rodgers: Probably.
Alex Eames: I wouldn't say that. *chuckles* He's not quite so easily entertained unless it's a book
Liz Rodgers: Or a corpse.
Alex Eames: That is his job. *laughs*
Liz Rodgers: You're telling me he never gets a case of the oh-shinies?
Alex Eames: *laughs* *ponders this*

Alex Eames: Not exactly
Liz Rodgers: *raises a brow*
Alex Eames: But now that I think about it, whenever we're interviewing anyone, he does poke around their stuff. I always put that down to him being nosey.
Alex Eames: And a good detective.

Liz Rodgers: And a bit of ADD, I'd guess.
Alex Eames: Perhaps. *nods*
Liz Rodgers: *smirk*
Alex Eames: *smirks back*

Liz Rodgers: You having fun? *to Ellie*
Ellie Eames: *happily playing with the phone like it's her new best friend*
Alex Eames: That's a yes.
Liz Rodgers: I'd say so.
Alex Eames: I hope you don't want it back...
Liz Rodgers: Hm.
Liz Rodgers: She can take my calls if she wants.
Liz Rodgers: *grin*

Alex Eames: Only if she gets the pay...
Liz Rodgers: I'll pay her in cookies.
Alex Eames: Considering the economy, we're not gonna accept any offer unless it's money... *smirks*
Liz Rodgers: *laughs at that*
Alex Eames: Isn't that right, Ellie?
Ellie Eames: Leelee!

Liz Rodgers: Apparently so.
Ellie Eames: Waay, Waay. *waving, randomly, to the person behind Liz, who is waving at Ellie*
Liz Rodgers: She's pretty friendly.
Alex Eames: She can be, if the person is friendly to her. *smiling as Ellie continued to wave*

Liz Rodgers: *nods*
Alex Eames: *nods and smiles* Hopefully that's just a phase... I don't want her making friends with -everyone- she meets.
Liz Rodgers: Definitely not.
Alex Eames: *nods*

Liz Rodgers: I'm sure you'll teach her to be smart about that kind of thing.
Alex Eames: Oh, don't worry, that will be drilled into her.
Liz Rodgers: I'm sure.
Alex Eames: That must be the good thing about having cops for parents, *smirks*

Liz Rodgers: It must be.
Alex Eames: *chuckles*
Liz Rodgers: How old is she?
Alex Eames: A little over 11 months.
Liz Rodgers: When does she turn a year?
Alex Eames: 26th August.
Liz Rodgers: That's not far.

Alex Eames: Not at all. *smiles* Scary.
Liz Rodgers: Is it?
Alex Eames: It is, for me anyway. Hard to believe it's been a year
Liz Rodgers: It goes by fast.
Alex Eames: I don't like that.
Liz Rodgers: No mother does.

Alex Eames: Is that your way of saying, welcome to the club?
Liz Rodgers: I suppose so. *grins*
Alex Eames: Well, thank you. *smirks*
Liz Rodgers: You're welcome. *teasing*
Alex Eames: As long as I don't get a badge, or anything else along those lines.
Liz Rodgers: *laughs*
Alex Eames: *smirks*

aim log, danny ross, ellie dresden eames, liz rodgers

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