RP Log | On the Vino...

Jul 29, 2009 00:05

Alex Eames: *knockknockknock*
Connie Rubirosa: *answers the door, dressed casually* Hey. *smiles*

Alex Eames: *smiles, dressed like she's been to work* Hey. How're you?
Alex Eames: *she's wearing a purple blouse with black pants, and a jacket over the top*
Alex Eames: *her hair is up, unusually, and parted to the right side of her head*
Connie Rubirosa: Pretty well. You? *leads her in - they go through a little entryway, with a closet door on the left and on the right, the entrance to a small, but neat and tidy kitchen. It mostly looks like Connie's old kitchen - but she's added a couple of pictures - old-timey baseball stuff - and there's a matching calendar on the fridge -- but the colors tie into the larger kitchen colors -- neutrals, dark blues, light greens*

Alex Eames: *looking around, curiously, but impressed with what she can see* I'm fine. Nice place. *smiles*
Connie Rubirosa: Thanks...here's the kitchen--*motions as they pass* Not terribly big, but in this City, who does have a big kitchen? *there's a bar/counter that divides the kitchen and the dining room and the dining room is adjacent to the living room. The decor is pretty much all from Connie's apartment --neutrals, reds, blues - and the couch is hers, also, but Cutter's giant flatscreen and entertainment center are against the wall facing the couch*
Connie Rubirosa: *dining room table and chairs are Connie's old ones, and there's an end chair by the couch, near the window, also, that looks like it's been slipcovered*

Alex Eames: The rich... and they don't use it. *smirks* *looks around the living room and spots the TV, raises her brow and then chuckles* Nice TV. It must be Cutter's. *chuckles* I really like your place, Connie. *nods and smiles*
Connie Rubirosa: Thanks...*laughs* And it is his. Well...it's mine, too now. ...that's still kind of weird.
Alex Eames: Yes, everything here is yours. *smirks* That's just how it works.
Connie Rubirosa: *laughs* Yeah, I guess it does...do you want something to drink?
Alex Eames: Sure. I brought you this. *holds up a bottle of wine* My mom would kill me if I didn't.
Connie Rubirosa: *laughs* Great...we can start in on that...I thought we could order in dinner.
Alex Eames: Dinner sounds great, I'm starving. So,whatever you wanted, I'm good for. *smirks*
Connie Rubirosa: Chinese? Or pizza?
Alex Eames: Chinese sounds good

Alex Eames: *subconsciously patting down her hair that covers the right side of her forehead, half expecting this hairstyle to just fall out* Actually, it sounds really good.

Connie Rubirosa: Great...let me get the menu...*pauses*...new hairdo? *goes to dig in the drawer by the phone for the menu*
Alex Eames: Kind of. I've worn it before... I'm just not used to it. That and it's hiding a bruise in my hairline.
Alex Eames: *it's a small bruise, but people pointed it out too much*
Connie Rubirosa: ...how did you get a bruise on your hairline? *looks up, menu in hand*

Alex Eames: It's my fault. *little laugh* I was pissed off, and mistimed getting into the car.
Connie Rubirosa: Ow.
Connie Rubirosa: Why were you mad?
Connie Rubirosa: The coffee?

Alex Eames: It was 4:30 in the morning, I'd scalded myself, and I just wanted to be asleep. So, I can't blame anyone but myself.
Connie Rubirosa: Well poor you anyway.
Alex Eames: Thank you. I appreciate the sympathy *smirky smile*
Connie Rubirosa: *holds out the menu* if you wanna look at the menu, I'll get the wine glasses out...
Alex Eames: Sure. *takes the menu and looks it over*
Connie Rubirosa: *reaches up in one of the top cupboards, takes out a couple of wine glasses, goes to get the corkscrew*
Alex Eames: So, what ballgame did Cutter go to?
Connie Rubirosa: Yankees. *finds the corkscrew, opens the wine with a little pop!*
Alex Eames: Of course...
Connie Rubirosa: They're playing the Tampa Bay Devil Rays.

Connie Rubirosa: *nods* How are Ellie and David?

Alex Eames: *smiles* They're fine. I believe David intends to let her watch TV...
Connie Rubirosa: Oh, boy.
Alex Eames: He said something about Sesame Street and ducks. All I could say was, no longer than 15 minutes...
Connie Rubirosa: *laughs* Aw...well...at least that's educational.

Alex Eames: Yes. I'll let it slide for that reason alone. The day she was born, he had her in his arms while he watched Columbo. *laughs*

Connie Rubirosa: *laughs* Teaching her early?
Alex Eames: That was his plan. *chuckles*
Connie Rubirosa: *smiles*
Alex Eames: *smiles, too* And how's Cutter?
Connie Rubirosa: He's good...I still haven't managed to talk to him about your offer to lend us Ellie for a night...but...

Alex Eames: It still stands. You don't think he'd want to?
Connie Rubirosa: I'm not sure. We need to talk about it...as well as some other stuff...you know...relating to kids...*little nervous smile* We've just been busy lately and I keep putting it off...you have what you want to order?
Alex Eames: *points them out to her, on a menu* I kinda thought you two had already discussed the future and all that it entails...
Connie Rubirosa: We've discussed that we want kids...just not when....or what we should do for planning it...

Alex Eames: Well, maybe that's a conversation for after the wedding?
Connie Rubirosa: *nods* Maybe. Although I was thinking that mentioning that we could borrow Ellie might be, you know, a good segue into the conversation...
Connie Rubirosa: Make it..maybe less weird.
Alex Eames: It's upto you. *nods* By borrow, you mean babysit, yes? *smirks*

Connie Rubirosa: *laughs* Yes. Babysit. Borrow. Watch. Test-run. *amused*
Alex Eames: Babysit will do. Otherwise it makes Ellie sound like a guinea pig. *smirks*
Connie Rubirosa: *laughs* No, she's not. We're the guinea pigs, if anyone. Seeing how well we do with a one-year old. Or nearly-one-year old.
Alex Eames: 11 months is easier to say... How about you don't see it as a test. Just see it as you doing myself and David a favour. Less pressure... for both of you.

Connie Rubirosa: That sounds like a good idea. *smiles, goes to order their food*
Alex Eames: *nods, and waits for her to come back from food ordering*
Connie Rubirosa: *finishes ordering, hangs up the phone*
Alex Eames: *arms folded, waiting patiently, leaning against the counter in her new shiny kitchen*
Connie Rubirosa: *pours wine* Any idea what kind of movie you want to watch, if any?
Alex Eames: If we're watching a movie... hmm, anything that doesn't put me to sleep.
Connie Rubirosa: *laughs*
Alex Eames: *chuckles*
Connie Rubirosa: A chick flick? A drama? Action? Comedy? Some combination...
Alex Eames: Comedy or a chick flick. Whichever you prefer, or actually -have- because I didn't bring any from my seriously lacking collection.
Connie Rubirosa: Hm...*goes to the shiny entertainment center, looks through DVDs*

Connie Rubirosa: *brings wine glass with her, sets it on coaster on coffee table*
Alex Eames: *(assuming she was given a glass) Alex takes her glass with her and follows, looking around*

Alex Eames: *chooses a seat and sits in it, pulling off her jacket*
Connie Rubirosa: Have you seen The Break Up?
Alex Eames: No. If it's good, play it.
Connie Rubirosa: *nods* I will. *puts it in, settles on the couch*
Alex Eames: *sits back with her glass of wine and waits for it to start*
Connie Rubirosa: *it starts*
Alex Eames: *yay*
Alex Eames: *watches it, sipping the wine*

Connie Rubirosa: *so does Connie*
Alex Eames: *laughing at the appropriate parts*
Alex Eames: *frowning at the appearance of a certain characer who looks like her partner*
Connie Rubirosa: ...that guy looks...
Alex Eames: *covers her eyes* I work too much, I work too much. Now I'm seeing my partner on a film...
Connie Rubirosa: ...except fatter.
Connie Rubirosa: And...more...persnickety.
Alex Eames: *uncovers her eyes* Still. It looks like him.
Connie Rubirosa: *laughing*

Alex Eames: I may have to make Bobby watch this...
Connie Rubirosa: *snort*
Alex Eames: *smirks*
Connie Rubirosa: *their food arrives, goes to get it*
Alex Eames: *sits comfortably, waits*
Alex Eames: *pausing the film for her*
Connie Rubirosa: *brings their food to the coffee table, sets it up*
Alex Eames: Mmm, smells good.
Connie Rubirosa: It does...*starts in on hers*
Alex Eames: *starts eating hers, too*

Alex Eames: *yum yum nom nom nom*
Connie Rubirosa: *om nom nom*
Alex Eames: *starts laughing into her food*
Alex Eames: *like, a quiet chuckle*
Connie Rubirosa: *amused, too*
Alex Eames: *chuckling away*
Alex Eames: OK. I feel like a crazy person... How much wine did I have? *smirks*

Connie Rubirosa: *laughs* I wasn't keeping track.
Alex Eames: ...neither was I. Oops.
Connie Rubirosa: *laughs at this, hard*
Alex Eames: *amused, smirks before laughing herself*
Connie Rubirosa: *eating, trying not to laugh more*

Alex Eames: *smirky smirky, knowing she's trying not to laugh*
Connie Rubirosa: So how -was- Goren the morning you bruised yourself and scalded yourself? did he get the brunt of your annoyance?
Connie Rubirosa: *still amused*

Alex Eames: *without missing a beat* Of course he did. He then got me an ice-pack and a coffee, and I aimed my annoyance elsewhere.
Connie Rubirosa: What a good partner.
Alex Eames: Yeah, he's like that. *smirks*

Alex Eames: *then smiles* But Bobby is fine.
Connie Rubirosa: *nods* Saw him at Major Case awhile back. I think you were...off somewhere...he let me sit in your desk. *smirk*
Alex Eames: You sat at my desk? ...everybody always sits at my desk. *dramatic sigh*
Connie Rubirosa: I asked first.

Connie Rubirosa: Goren seems a bit..touchy...about space.
Alex Eames: *nods* He is, actually. Even about my desk, which is weird, but you get used to it.
Connie Rubirosa: *nods* We talked a bit while I waited for the captain.
Alex Eames: Have a good chat?
Connie Rubirosa: It was mostly work-related - about the cases I was there to discuss with Ross. And Ellie. *laughs*

Alex Eames: And Ellie? *smiles*
Connie Rubirosa: We talked about her, too.
Connie Rubirosa: Since we also have her in common.
Connie Rubirosa: By extension of having you in common.
Alex Eames: *laughs* As long as it was nothing but good things...
Connie Rubirosa: Of course.
Alex Eames: Good. *smirks*
Connie Rubirosa: *chuckles*

Alex Eames: So. How are those wedding plans going?
Connie Rubirosa: They're...going. Still looking for a dress.
Alex Eames: Not even found one you like at all?
Connie Rubirosa: I think I'm getting closer.....I hope.
Alex Eames: Any reason why you think you're close? Some random spidey-sense going on?
Connie Rubirosa: *laughs*...Connie-sense? I don't know - I've been looking at a lot of different styles and I think I know what I want...I just haven't found it all in one dress...

Alex Eames: *chuckles* Sounds headache inducing to me.
Connie Rubirosa: *nods*
Alex Eames: Good luck. Hope you find something -before- the wedding
Connie Rubirosa: Gee, me too.
Alex Eames: *smirks*
Alex Eames: I'm sure your sister is helping...
Connie Rubirosa: I don't know if 'helping' would be the right word...at least where Ileana is concerned...
Alex Eames: What do you mean?
Connie Rubirosa: She keeps sending me tons of pictures of dresses...it's a bit overwhelming.

Alex Eames: Ahhh, I see. Too much choice being thrown at you.
Connie Rubirosa: Yeah.
Alex Eames: Why don't you just tell her to stop?
Connie Rubirosa: ...she's trying to help. *shrugs* I think Cori asked her to step in a bit for the moment because she's busy with new resident stuff at the hospital...and she knows I did a lot for her wedding...so she's trying to...repay me, I guess?

Alex Eames: I guess, but if she wants to help and it's actually hindering, you should just tell her.
Alex Eames: Or, at least, only ask that she send dresses that match your criteria
Alex Eames: --as in, all of them in one dress.
Connie Rubirosa: *nods* Other than that, though - the decorations are coming together...we've got you know the tables and chairs and tents for the reception taken care of. Michael's family helped with that. They know of places in Long Island - especially since Sam and Ned have their business there and all and his parents know people, too. So that worked out.
Alex Eames: It sounds like it's coming together pretty fast.
Alex Eames: That's good.

Connie Rubirosa: *nods*
Alex Eames: You still excited?
Alex Eames: *smiles*
Connie Rubirosa: *nods again, smiles* Of course.
Alex Eames: Probably too soon for the cold feet part to hit you
Connie Rubirosa: *nods* If it does hit me...
Alex Eames: I'm not saying it would for definite. I'm just saying it might. It's normal.
Connie Rubirosa: I suppose. *goes to throw her trash away from her food*
Alex Eames: I don't think I know anyone who didn't... *thoughtful!face*
Connie Rubirosa: No?
Alex Eames: No... I got it.

Connie Rubirosa: *cleaning up*
Alex Eames: *frowns*
Connie Rubirosa: *comes back, still with a thoughtful look on her face, * I guess you'd think I sounded foolish if I said that I've never been more sure of anything.
Alex Eames: No. I wouldn't say foolish. I'd say a bit corny... but it could be true. *smiles*

Connie Rubirosa: I didn't understand at first--how he was always so sure of himself...and then one day...when I realized how I felt about him--I understood. Sometimes I--still wonder if--it's for real. *laughs a little, looking at her wine glass* Maybe I had too much wine.
Alex Eames: *chuckles* It's real. I can pinch you if you'd like. I wasn't suggesting you'd doubt being with him. Not at all.
Connie Rubirosa: *laughs* No, don't pinch me.

Alex Eames: I meant that the excitement might lead to nerves and, later, panic. I did.
Alex Eames: *smirks at the don't pinch me part*

Connie Rubirosa: *nods* That makes sense...I think I'm feeling the nerves already..which you know, in my case leads to overthinking.
Alex Eames: Yes, I'm aware. If you want, if you get to overthinking too much, just call me and I'll give you a verbal pinch to bring you back into reality...
Connie Rubirosa: *laughs* That's what friends are for, right?
Alex Eames: *nods, with a smirk* Yes, definitely.

Alex Eames: Besides, you and Cutter have been together for quite some time now. I'm sure there'll be no doubt whatsoever. It's not like you just got together and decided to do the whirlwind romance.

Connie Rubirosa: *laughs* Yeah, not really.
Alex Eames: Or, you know, got yourself knocked up... *smirks*
Connie Rubirosa: *laughs* Yeah, not yet.
Alex Eames: See. Good for you.
Alex Eames: *sips her wine*
Connie Rubirosa: *smirks, leans back against the couch* I haven't had a girls night in forever. I feel like we should be painting our nails or prank calling people or something.
Alex Eames: Now, see, I think we've done enough prank calling.
Connie Rubirosa: We haven't done that much.

Alex Eames: *rubs her forehead*
Alex Eames: Once was enough. It was -Logan-
Connie Rubirosa: ...that's true.
Alex Eames: On the other hand, prank calling IS fun
Connie Rubirosa: It is.
Alex Eames: Besides, who did you want to prank call?
Alex Eames: *smirks*
Connie Rubirosa: I have no idea.
Connie Rubirosa: *laughing*
Alex Eames: *laughs* You just want to rebel, don't you?
Connie Rubirosa: Maybe.

Alex Eames: In that case, you should prank call your fiance. *smirks*
Connie Rubirosa: He doesn't keep his phone on during Yankee games.
Alex Eames: Damn. That's a shame. Because that would've been funny. For me, at least.
Connie Rubirosa: *laughs* It probably would have been.
Alex Eames: *dramatic, disappointed sigh*
Alex Eames: *sips more wine*
Alex Eames: *then smirks*

Connie Rubirosa: What?
Connie Rubirosa: ...that looks like a mischievous smirk.
Alex Eames: ...nothing. *innocent!face*
Alex Eames: I don't -have- a mischievous smirk
Alex Eames: I've never had one of those.
Connie Rubirosa: Uh-huh.
Alex Eames: It's true. *sweet smile*
Connie Rubirosa: I'll bet Ellie gets it all from David, right?

Alex Eames: *serious nod* Uh huh. Yep. She does.
Connie Rubirosa: *chuckling*
Alex Eames: In all seriousness, he IS more mischievous than me. At the moment you suggested prank calling, he'd have already grabbed a phone and started dialing.
Alex Eames: *smirks*
Connie Rubirosa: I believe that.
Alex Eames: I'd be surprised if you didn't.
Connie Rubirosa: *laughs*
Connie Rubirosa: David's reputation precedes him.
Alex Eames: *snorts* Poor guy.

Connie Rubirosa: Like he cares.
Alex Eames: *laughs* No, he doesn't. That's one of the things I love about him. *amused*
Connie Rubirosa: *grins*
Alex Eames: *smiles back*
Connie Rubirosa: How's your mom doing, by the way?
Alex Eames: *pauses, looks into glass* She's the same. She started therapy, but it hasn't really made an impact... yet.

Connie Rubirosa: *nods* Well it can take time, right?
Alex Eames: Yeah, that's what the doctors said. But... it's hard all the same.
Alex Eames: They did say the swelling has gone down, in her brain, and that's one good thing.
Connie Rubirosa: That is good.

Alex Eames: *nods, sips her drink. small smile* It is.
Connie Rubirosa: *returns the small smile with one of her own*
Alex Eames: And your family? How are they?
Connie Rubirosa: Pretty well.
Alex Eames: Good. *nods*
Connie Rubirosa: *nods*
Alex Eames: *smiles, eating some more of her food*
Connie Rubirosa: *drinks her wine*
Alex Eames: Hows work?

Connie Rubirosa: Really busy.
Alex Eames: Ouch.
Connie Rubirosa: *nods*
Alex Eames: ...on anything interesting?
Connie Rubirosa: *thinks* Well I finished up most of the stuff I was working on for Major Case...we've just had a ton of cases coming to trial lately.
Alex Eames: Which one was it for Major Case?

Connie Rubirosa: There were a few...but the one of yours and Gorens was the Devildis case. We ended up talking about that a bit while I was there.
Alex Eames: Ahhh, that one. I don't recall reading about that one going to trial...
Connie Rubirosa: It's not. He's copping a plea.
Alex Eames: *nods* As long as it puts him away...
Connie Rubirosa: Life in prison.
Alex Eames: I can live with that.

Connie Rubirosa: *nods*
Alex Eames: How come you got stuck with some Major Case cases?
Connie Rubirosa: Casey's still finishing up that work with the Feds.
Alex Eames: So, instead of someone replacing her for the time being, they're just handing it out to several of you?
Connie Rubirosa: Of course.

Connie Rubirosa: Why pay for someone new when you can overwork other people for less cost?
Alex Eames: Until, you know, they end up calling in sick from all the work.
Connie Rubirosa: Yeah. ...or running away.
Alex Eames: *laughs* I can see you running away from Major Case
Connie Rubirosa: *nods*
Connie Rubirosa: Especially if Logan's around.
Alex Eames: You two don't get along, do you?
Connie Rubirosa: He hates lawyers.
Alex Eames: It's not like you're a defense attorney...
Connie Rubirosa: He hates ADAs, too.

Alex Eames: Probably best not to talk to him, then.
Connie Rubirosa: I try to avoid it when possible.
Connie Rubirosa: *smirk*
Alex Eames: Just don't work on any of his cases. *smirks back*
Connie Rubirosa: I'll tell Jack it's his fault that Logan hates ADAs.
Alex Eames: *laughs* It's true.
Connie Rubirosa: It is.
Alex Eames: Although, I'm sure McCoy disagrees...
Connie Rubirosa: He'd probably say it's Logan's own damn fault.
Alex Eames: Men...
Connie Rubirosa: *nods* Really.

Alex Eames: Maybe it's the wine, but sometimes I wonder why we put up with them, *smirks, joking*
Connie Rubirosa: *laughs* Because we really couldn't live without them.
Alex Eames: *laughs* Still gotta wonder if it's worth it.
Connie Rubirosa: *amused*
Alex Eames: No, no, I know it is. *smiles, downs the rest of her wine*
Connie Rubirosa: *glances back at the movie*
Alex Eames: Speaking of, it's a good job mine said he'd pick me up because--*lifts up her empty glass*
Connie Rubirosa: *snort*

Alex Eames: What?
Connie Rubirosa: Nothing. It's a good thing.
Alex Eames: Yes, it is.
Connie Rubirosa: *finishes her wine*
Alex Eames: *watching the rest of the film, thinking she's all silenty drinky*
Connie Rubirosa: *watches too*
Alex Eames: *pushing her hair out her eyes, had enough of it now, and her hair is starting to fall out of place anyway*
Connie Rubirosa: *movie finishes*
Alex Eames: *watches the credits*

Alex Eames: *like, really watching them as if she's interested in that sort of thing*
Alex Eames: *but she's not*
Connie Rubirosa: You okay?
Alex Eames: *blinks* Yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking... and watching names scroll on the screen... *shakes her head*
Connie Rubirosa: Thinking about...?
Alex Eames: About what we were talking about earlier--cold feet and weddings. *smiles*
Connie Rubirosa: *nods* What about it, specifically? *curious*
Alex Eames: It wasn't to do with you and Cutter. *smiles* But I was thinking about the panicking part, and things moving too fast for some people.
Connie Rubirosa: I didn't think it was about me and Michael...things can move too fast...I've seen it happen with friends of mine...or myself in past relationships.
Alex Eames: See, David panicked... and yet, we're just fine. That's what I was thinking.

Connie Rubirosa: *nods* It takes time for some people - marriage is a big deal...and it's not always necessarily for everyoen.
Alex Eames: *nods* Yeah, well it was just too much all at once for him. You know- a baby, moving-in.
Connie Rubirosa: *nods*
Alex Eames: And like what I said about you guys, you've been together longer than we had at that point. *smiles*
Connie Rubirosa: *nods again* That is true.
Alex Eames: *smiles and nods* But, I do think we're better now than we were then.
Connie Rubirosa: That's good.

Alex Eames: *nods* It is.
Connie Rubirosa: *gets up to turn off the movie*
Alex Eames: Well, that was a good film. Although, we talked over half of it
Alex Eames: *smirks*
Connie Rubirosa: *laughs* Yeah, we did.
Alex Eames: No offense to the actors...
Alex Eames: *laughs*
Connie Rubirosa: It was a good movie.
Alex Eames: It was. I enjoyed it anyway. I don't normally get chance to sit and watch one.
Connie Rubirosa: Aw.
Alex Eames: Well, to be fair, we've started to watch films when Ellie's asleep, but we just fall to sleep half way through. *laughs*
Connie Rubirosa: *laughs*

Alex Eames: *chuckles* We can't -wait- till you guys take her for a night. *huge smirk*
Connie Rubirosa: So you can sleep.
Alex Eames: ...sure, let's go with that.
Alex Eames: *slow nod*
Connie Rubirosa: ...I don't wanna know.
Alex Eames: *laughs* Of course.
Alex Eames: Sleep, too, you're right.
Connie Rubirosa: *shakes her head*
Alex Eames: What?
Connie Rubirosa: You're funny, that's all.
Alex Eames: Oh, I'm a hoot and a half, huh? *smirks*
Connie Rubirosa: Uh-huh.

Alex Eames: Good to know. *chuckles*
Connie Rubirosa: I'm sure you're shocked.
Alex Eames: Absolutely floored.
Connie Rubirosa: Hehe.
Alex Eames: Did you just 'hehe'?
Alex Eames: *amused*
Connie Rubirosa: ...maybe.
Alex Eames: My daughter makes that sound. *smirks*
Connie Rubirosa: *laughs*
Alex Eames: I'm gonna assume it was the wine... *chuckles, teasing*
Connie Rubirosa: ...I think so.

Alex Eames: Got anymore wine?
Connie Rubirosa: Uh, I don't actually have any in stock for once.
Alex Eames: I'm shocked!
Alex Eames: *hand to her chest, mostly feigning it but really is surprised*
Connie Rubirosa: We're not huge wine drinkers.
Alex Eames: Oh, so, it's just rum?
Alex Eames: *smirks*
Connie Rubirosa: Sometimes. *smirks back*
Connie Rubirosa: He drinks scotch, when he does drink. Or the occasional beer. We have wine if it goes with a meal sometimes...
Alex Eames: Sounds good. *nods*

Connie Rubirosa: *nods* He'll probably have a beer at the ballpark. Baseball and beer just go together.
Alex Eames: I've heard that. *chuckles* So, he'll be coming home a little less drunk than you?
Connie Rubirosa: Probably. Although I'm not drunk, I don't think. Just...nicely buzzed.

Alex Eames: I think I'm... dru--I'm more than 'buzzed' but not drunk, drunk.
Alex Eames: *smirks*
Connie Rubirosa: *laughs*
Alex Eames: *laughs, too* At least I'll admit it
Alex Eames: *pushes her hair out her face, showing off her nice purple bruise*
Connie Rubirosa: Ow.
Connie Rubirosa: Purple.
Alex Eames: Huh? Oh yeah. *tries to recover it* I'm not ready to show it off with pride. *smirks*

Alex Eames: *gives up when her hair won't cooperate, she's too drunk to really get it right*
Connie Rubirosa: *laughs*
Alex Eames: David was ready to take me to hospital. *eyeroll*
Connie Rubirosa: Aw.
Alex Eames: *smirks*
Connie Rubirosa: How sweet of him.
Alex Eames: I guess it is. *thoughtful* I was more annoyed. *laughs*
Connie Rubirosa: *laughs*

Alex Eames: Just don't tell him that.
Connie Rubirosa: I won't.
Alex Eames: Good. *smirks*
Connie Rubirosa: *amused*

Alex Eames: *gets her phone out and sends a text message*
Connie Rubirosa: *checks her own phone, sends a couple of texts*
Alex Eames: Just sending David a message so he knows he should come pick me up soon. *puts her phone away*
Connie Rubirosa: *grin*
Alex Eames: No need to be excited to get rid of me just yet, he's got to get here.
Connie Rubirosa: *sticks out her tongue*
Alex Eames: I'm gonna take that as a yes to you being excited. *sits back in her seat and folds her arm, kinda like, well, I'm not going anywhere*
Alex Eames: *smirks*

Alex Eames: *she's drunk*

Connie Rubirosa: *laughing*
Alex Eames: *stays there, almost putting her feet up, but restrains herself*
Connie Rubirosa: *is very amused by this*
Alex Eames: *leans her head back, smirks up at her*
Alex Eames: What you laughing at?
Connie Rubirosa: I don't know.
Alex Eames: You don't? ...that can't be good.
Connie Rubirosa: *yawns*
Alex Eames: Tired?
Alex Eames: *wondering if her previous statement had been a dream*
Connie Rubirosa: *nods* I'm good. Tired, but good.
Alex Eames: *frowns* Okay then

Connie Rubirosa: *tired smile*
Alex Eames: *frowns* Sorry, he'll be here soon...
Connie Rubirosa: Don't be sad.
Connie Rubirosa: I'll miss you.
Alex Eames: Uh huh. I'm sure you will.
Alex Eames: *slight smirk*
Connie Rubirosa: I willll.

Alex Eames: Hmmm. *thoughtful!face*
Alex Eames: I'll miss you, too? *smirks*
Connie Rubirosa: Good.
Alex Eames: *laughs*
Connie Rubirosa: *grin*
Alex Eames: *her phone beeps*
Connie Rubirosa: *glances over*
Alex Eames: *pulls it out her pocket and checks it* See? He's here. You're getting rid of me. *smirks*
Connie Rubirosa: Tell him I said hi.

Alex Eames: *she stood up and grabbed her jacket* Sure. Thanks for the food... and the movie.
Connie Rubirosa: Any time.
Connie Rubirosa: *gets up to see her to the door*
Alex Eames: Sorry I bored you. *smirks, putting her jacket on*
Connie Rubirosa: You didn't bore me.
Connie Rubirosa: We should get together more often.
Alex Eames: *laughs* Alright, but we stock up on wine first, right? *chuckles*

Alex Eames: *making sure she's, at least, semi-presentable*
Connie Rubirosa: Right - next time more wine. *grinning*
Alex Eames: *nods, and grins back* And, also, really nice apartment. *smiles, no longer teasing, she's being all serious*
Connie Rubirosa: *smiling still* Thanks. I think you're one of the first visitors.
Alex Eames: ...really? You moved in quite a while ago now.
Connie Rubirosa: We've been busy.

Alex Eames: I guess so. Right, well, I'll see you later. *smiles*
Connie Rubirosa: See you later. *grin*
Alex Eames: *waves and then leaves*
Connie Rubirosa: *watches her go*
Alex Eames: *goes to meet David, who's leaning against the car, waiting for her*

connie rubirosa, aim log, ladies night

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