[Connie Rubirosa]: *continuing from where Connie and Alex were, just as people were to start arriving*...Green finger? *brow raise* I know how not to kill a plant, thanks.
[Alex Eames]: *laughs, highly amused* I'm relieved for the plant... I think.
[Connie Rubirosa]: *rolls her eyes* You have to know what kind of plant to get. Lawyers and cops are better off getting mainly self-sufficient plants that don't need a lot of maintaining.
[Alex Eames]: Plastic ones.
[Alex Eames]: *smirks*
[Alex Eames]: They're pretty self-sufficient, don't you think?
[Connie Rubirosa]: No. Tried that. They get dusty. The time you spend dusting them, you may as well spend watering them.
[Alex Eames]: Yes, but if a plant dies, that's the end. If it gets dusty, you can... dust it.
[Megan Wheeler]: ::there's a knock on the door::
[Alex Eames]: *goes to answer it*
[Megan Wheeler]: ::waiting on the other side, Charlie is behind her, but you can't see him because he is carrying a giant something covered with a white sheet and rope::
[Connie Rubirosa]: Oh, whatever....*gets a cup of punch*
[Alex Eames]: *smirks at Connie before turning to Megan, about to say hi when she spots the white ghost behind her* Uh... hi?
[Megan Wheeler]: He's dropping me off. He also thinks he needs permission to step inside for two minutes.
[Charlie]: ::from under the white blob:: Estrogen party.
[Alex Eames]: He's not wrong- it's women only from this door.
[Megan Wheeler]: Well that's your gift he's got.
[Alex Eames]: *eyes it, and then looks at Connie with a raised brow before stepping aside to let them in*
[Megan Wheeler]: ::goes in, helps Charlie in the door, he sets it down, looks around like a deer in headlights::
[Charlie]: Right...I'll be going..::starts backing out::
[Connie Rubirosa]: *watches*
[Megan Wheeler]: Thanks for driving me.
*Alex's sister, Alice, turns up right behind him, she's slightly taller than Alex, lighter hair tied up but she looks at Charlie in a similar raised brow to the way Alex would, she cautiously steps round him*
[Connie Rubirosa]: *amused, watching things unfold*
[Charlie]: ::dodges out of her way:: Bye Meg, bye Alex. ::runs to his truck and flees::
[Alex Eames]: *looks amused* Wow...
[Megan Wheeler]: ::smirks:: Guess he is scared of these things.
[Connie Rubirosa]: *looks at Alice* You must be another Eames.
[Alice]: *smirks* What gave me away? *holds out her hand* I'm Alice.
[Connie Rubirosa]: *smirk* You look related. *shakes her hand* Connie Rubirosa.
[Alice]: *shakes her hand* Pleased to meet you. *glances around the room* Wow, you've done an amazing job! This looks fantastic. *excited, turns to Megan and shakes her hand, too*
[Alex Eames]: Be careful... she gets bouncy on too much caffiene. *slight sarcasm*
[Connie Rubirosa]: *small smirk*
[Megan Wheeler]: ::smiles and shakes Alice's hand:: Megan Wheeler.
[Alice]: *shakes her hand and then puts her gift bag on the table*
[Alice]: Pleased to meet you, too.
[Megan Wheeler]: ::to Alex, points at her gift:: Thats just staying there til you open your gifts.
[Connie Rubirosa]: *brow raise*
[Alex Eames]: *looks at it* What the Hell is it?
[Alice]: *tries to sneak a look*
[Megan Wheeler]: A gift.
[Megan Wheeler]: ::stands in the way::
[Alice]: You won't be stood there the whole time... *smirks*
[Megan Wheeler]: ::arms crossed brow raise::
[Alice]: *to Connie* You know what it is?
[Connie Rubirosa]: *to Alice* No idea. *motions to the tables* There's food and drinks there if anyone is hungry or thirsty...
[Megan Wheeler]: ::to Alex:: And just so you know - this was in the middle of the living room last night when you dropped by. That's what was going on.
[Alice]: *smiles at Connie* Excellent. *spots the cake* Wow! *eyes wide*
[Alex Eames]: *to Megan, her curiosity killing her* So I see.
[Connie Rubirosa]: *to Alice* They can make anything into a cake these days.
[Megan Wheeler]: ::just smiles::
[Alice]: *steps closer to the cake to have a proper look* It's so cute. *grins, pointing at Ellie's name with amusement* Very cute! *nodding her approval at Connie*
[Alex Eames]: *smirks*
[Connie Rubirosa]: Apparently brown and pink are the new "in" colors for showers.
[Alice]: *chuckles* Apparently so. Works well for us, I think,
[Alice]: *to Alex* What do you think?
[Alex Eames]: *smirks* I love it.
[Alice]: *grins, excited*
[Connie Rubirosa]: *smiling because they are*
[Connie Rubirosa]: *glances over at Megan and gives a small nod and little wave*
[Alex Eames]: *Alice gives Alex a hug, who's sitting down* Sorry, I'll be less bouncy and more sane, soon, I swear.
[Megan Wheeler]: ::smiles back, goes to get something to drink::
[Alex Eames]: Yeah, get off me! *smirks*
[Connie Rubirosa]: *to Alex* There are two or three games...I wasn't sure how you'd feel about that, so we can do them or not do them, at some point.
[Alex Eames]: What are the games? *curious*
[Alex Eames]: *Alice sits down next to her, stroking her baby bump*
[Connie Rubirosa]: Well, there's the clothespin game...
[Alex Eames]: *Alex whaps her hand away*
[Alex Eames]: *nods* Sounds good, what are the others?
[Alice]: What would we have to refrain from doing?
[Connie Rubirosa]: *thinks* That's up to Alex.
[Alex Eames]: *grins evily*
[Alice]: Uh oh
[Connie Rubirosa]: *laughs*
[Connie Rubirosa]: It's her party and she'll be devious if she wants to.
[Alex Eames]: Yeah, that's the right attitude. *smirks*
[Megan Wheeler]: I still don't understand.
[Connie Rubirosa]: *gets the packet of clothespins*
[Connie Rubirosa]: *to Megan* everyone gets a clothespin when they walk in. Depending on what Alex decides, there's something we can't do -- either crossing your legs, using the word "baby" or the word "I"
[Connie Rubirosa]: and if you do it, someone else can take your clothespin.
[Connie Rubirosa]: The person who has the most at the end wins.
[Connie Rubirosa]: *the clothespins have little pink bows glued on the tops of them*
[Megan Wheeler]: ::nods slowly:: Okayy..::so not used to the babyshower thing::
[Alice]: *steps up and takes one of the clothespins, smiling* Niice.
[Alex Eames]: *amused smirk at Megan*
[Megan Wheeler]: ::shrugs at her, saying - I'll go with it::
[Alex Eames]: Okay, you're not allowed to say the word "You"
[Connie Rubirosa]: *holds them out to Alex and Megan, then makes a face* Ow. That's harsh.
[Alice]: Are YOU kidding?
[Alex Eames]: *shakes her head, smirking* Nope.
[Megan Wheeler]: ::laughs::
[Alice]: Oy, *pauses, tripping over the word about to say 'you'* Alex is evil.
[Connie Rubirosa]: *laughs*
[Connie Rubirosa]: Exactly.
[Megan Wheeler]: We still love Alex. ::smirks::
[Alex Eames]: This isn't new news, is it?
[Alice]: *sister!glare*
[Alex Eames]: *innocent smile*
[Connie Rubirosa]: Nope.
[Alex Eames]: I didn't think so. *chuckles*
[Connie Rubirosa]: *takes a drink of punch*
[Alex Eames]: *another knock on the door, and Alex goes to answer it, ends up being pulled into a hug of another woman- dark haired, doesn't look related*
[Megan Wheeler]: So, Alice, how's Nathan?
[Alice]: *smiles* He's doing great, thanks. Loving pre-school
[Connie Rubirosa]: *listens*
[Megan Wheeler]: That's good. He's...a fun kid.
[Alex Eames]: *shuts the door and leads her into the living room* This is Katie, sister-in-law. This is Connie, *gestures to Connie* and Megan, *then to her* Go mingle because I gotta pee. *goes off to pee*
[Megan Wheeler]: ::waves:: Hi Katie.
[Connie Rubirosa]: *smiles* Hi.
[Katie Eames]: *smiles at them both* Hey, how's it going so far? *puts her gift on the table*
[Connie Rubirosa]: Pretty well, I think. *smiles* I'm Connie.
[Katie Eames]: *smiling* You're the Connie who organised this?
[Connie Rubirosa]: *laughs* That I am. Oh--here's a clothespin. *hands her one* You can't say--*makes a face, having said it*
[Katie Eames]: *takes the clothespin* That's our Alex, she's always been devious. Surely, the host gets to say it when people arrive? Or write it down?
[Connie Rubirosa]: *laughs* I suppose so. *waits for someone to take her clothespin since she said it*
[Alice]: *jumps up and takes it*
[Megan Wheeler]: ::hand out to Katie:: I'm Megan. And I'm going to assume you're *insert other brother's name*'s wife?
[Connie Rubirosa]: Hey, do contractions of the word "you" count? *smirks, hands over her pin to Alice*
[Katie Eames]: I hope not, or we're screwed.
[Megan Wheeler]: No. No, no..it's another word entirely.
[Alice]: *laughs* Don't ask Alex, she'll include it.
[Katie Eames]: And yes, good assumption. *smiles, shakes her hand*
[Connie Rubirosa]: *amused*
[Alex Eames]: *sneaks back in and sits back down*
[Alex Eames]: What did I miss?
[Alice]: I got Connie's clothespin. *grins*
[Alice]: *holding it up*
[Connie Rubirosa]: Yeah. I lose.
[Connie Rubirosa]: *smirk*
[Alex Eames]: *laughs* Poor Connie.
[Katie Eames]: *gets a drink*
[Connie Rubirosa]: Is your mom coming? *to Alex*
[Alex Eames]: I hope so. I think it depends on how she's feeling.
[Alice]: She mentioned this morning that nothing was gonna keep her away... *chuckles*
[Connie Rubirosa]: *amused*
[Alex Eames]: *laughs* Then, at some point, she'll be here.
[Connie Rubirosa]: Casey should be here at some point, as well...I think she was working.
[Alex Eames]: *smiles* Great. Working on a Saturday? No rest for the wicked.
[Connie Rubirosa]: Nope.
[Connie Rubirosa]: Lawyers are the wickedest.
[Alex Eames]: *laughs* I won't argue with that.
[Connie Rubirosa]: *smirk*
[Alex Eames]: *smirks back*
[Katie Eames]: *to Connie* You're a lawyer?
[Alex Eames]: *curious, taking a seat*
[Connie Rubirosa]: *to Katie* Yes. I'm an assistant district attorney.
[Katie Eames]: Do you enjoy your job?
[Connie Rubirosa]: Most of the time, yes. *smiles*
[Alex Eames]: *holds out her hand for Katie's clothespin* Give me.
[Katie Eames]: *sighs and hands it over*
[Connie Rubirosa]: *laughs* The Eames sisters are quick.
[Alice]: *grins* It's our thing.
[Katie Eames]: Believe you me, they've always been like that.
[Connie Rubirosa]: *to Katie* And poor you left out?
[Katie Eames]: No, I spent my time flirting with their brother.
[Megan Wheeler]: ::smirks:: I can respect that.
[Connie Rubirosa]: *laughs*
[Connie Rubirosa]: And what do you do besides that? I mean, as an occupation.
[Katie Eames]: I'm a nurse, I work at an ER
[Connie Rubirosa]: Oh? Which one? My sister's in med school and she does work at the Sacred Heart Hospital here in Queens.
[Megan Wheeler]: ::sips her punch::
[Katie Eames]: *grins* That one. It's convenient, I don't like to commute.
[Connie Rubirosa]: *smiles* I'll have to tell her to look out for you, if she hasn't already met you. Her name is Corina Rubirosa. She's graduating med school in December.
[Katie Eames]: I sometimes work with students, I'll look out for her
[Connie Rubirosa]: She looks sorta like me but shorter. *smirk*
[Katie Eames]: *chuckles* Kinda like Alex is with Alice here.
[Connie Rubirosa]: *laughs* Exactly.
[Megan Wheeler]: ::looks over at Connie:: Hey..two clothespins if self has any.
[Megan Wheeler]: Or...maybe five? I wasn;t keeping good count.
[Connie Rubirosa]: Hey, I'm out.
[Connie Rubirosa]: *smirk*
[Connie Rubirosa]: But here--
[Connie Rubirosa]: *hands her a couple unusued ones*
[Connie Rubirosa]: Have some because you're a good listener.
[Megan Wheeler]: Aw shucks, do I get a gold star too? ::grins and takes them::
[Alex Eames]: *laughs*
[Connie Rubirosa]: *laughs*
[Alice]: No, not at this party.
[Connie Rubirosa]: *amused*
[Megan Wheeler]: ::sticks clothespins to self::
[Alex Eames]: *forces herself up, and gets a drink*
[Connie Rubirosa]: *gets her camera, takes a pic of Wheeler sticking pins to herself*
[Connie Rubirosa]: Megan Wheeler wearing pink and playing a silly baby shower game.
[Connie Rubirosa]: *smirk*
[Megan Wheeler]: ::shrugs:: The thing I do for my friends..
[Alex Eames]: *laughs* We love you
[Megan Wheeler]: Good. Clothespin?
[Connie Rubirosa]: Hah!
[Alex Eames]: No, thanks.
[Connie Rubirosa]: She meant give her yours, smartass.
[Alex Eames]: Yeah, still, no. *smirks*
[Megan Wheeler]: ::brow raise::
[Connie Rubirosa]: *brow raise, too*
[Alex Eames]: *raised brows, too*
[Connie Rubirosa]: Cheater.
[Alex Eames]: How am I cheating?
[Alex Eames]: *she has no idea she's said it*
[Megan Wheeler]: Alex said the word.
[Connie Rubirosa]: *nods*
[Alex Eames]: *blinks* I did?
[Alice]: Yes, you did. Dammit!
[Connie Rubirosa]: Gimme!
[Alex Eames]: *takes Alice's pin and hands hers to Megan*
[Connie Rubirosa]: Damn!
[Connie Rubirosa]: People are quick.
[Katie Eames]: This is gonna get tricky....
[Connie Rubirosa]: *nod* No tackling each other, please.
[Megan Wheeler]: What if we avoid tackling the pregnant lady?
[Katie Eames]: Wise idea. *nods*
[Connie Rubirosa]: ....right.
[Connie Rubirosa]: *suspicious look*
[Megan Wheeler]: ::cute grin::
[Connie Rubirosa]: *laughs*
[Connie Rubirosa]: *to Alex* Did you invite Bobby? *snicker*
[Alex Eames]: While he can be a girl... no, I didn't.
[Connie Rubirosa]: Shit. I'm negative pins here.
[Alice]: *laughs at Connie*
[Megan Wheeler]: ::eats goodies::
[Alice]: Bobby is the partner, right?
[Alex Eames]: Yeah, that's him.
[Katie Eames]: Have we ever met him?
[Alex Eames]: Bobby? Uh... no, I don't think so. He avoids family things.
[Alice]: Ohhh, just like someone else who keeps avoiding us.
[Alex Eames]: Zip it
[Megan Wheeler]: ::keeps her mouth shut about it::
[Megan Wheeler]: Alex, Charlie said he wants waffles and fish sticks on a more regular basis. I blame you,::helping tochange the subject::
[Connie Rubirosa]: *brow raise*
[Connie Rubirosa]: *then makes a slight face at 'waffles and fish sticks'*
[Alex Eames]: What's wrong with them? They're great.
[Megan Wheeler]: ::laughs:: So you say.
[Alice]: At least it's not the charcoal she thought smelled good enough to eat that we thought she was about to
[Megan Wheeler]: ::makes a face::
[Connie Rubirosa]: ...I won't be looking forward to gross food combinations when I'm pregnant...*pause* Not that that's going to be any time soon.
[Alice]: Oh? Do tell?
[Connie Rubirosa]: Huh?
[Connie Rubirosa]: Tell--what?
[Alice]: I hear the sound of gossip... I want gossip.
[Connie Rubirosa]: ...what gossip?
[Megan Wheeler]: Gossip?
[Alex Eames]: Alice likes to talk about men, and all they entail. Humor her at your own risk.
[Connie Rubirosa]: Okay...what exactly did you want me to tell you? *still kinda confused*
[Alex Eames]: *laughing, hard*
[Alice]: You don't do girl talk a lot, do you?
[Alex Eames]: Hand it over.
[Connie Rubirosa]: ...I do. I just--don't know what you wanted me to say or--tell you.
[Alice]: *has no more left*
[Alice]: Ah, I was referring to whether or not you had a guy in which to get pregnant with.
[Connie Rubirosa]: Oh. *blushes a moment and then bursts out laughing* *and then, after a pause*...I...have a guy....we're, uh....not really at that stage right now.
[Alice]: *huge smile* Oh... a new relationship, huh? Niice, I love those.
[Connie Rubirosa]: *laughing at Alice's inquisitiveness* Yeah...'bout a couple months...
[Alice]: *chuckles* Well, if you're not planning the baby part yet, beware of faulty condoms- that was Alex's problem. *Alex elbows her*
[Connie Rubirosa]: *laughing, hard*...no. We're, uh, really good about that. *thinks: Oh, if Michael only knew what we were talking about...he'd probably run far, far away*
[Alex Eames]: Hey!
[Connie Rubirosa]: *amused*
[Alex Eames]: *covers her abdomen with her arms* At least I get a cute baby out of it.
[Connie Rubirosa]: *laughs*
[Alice]: Yes, and we get a cute niece, so we're thankful for the faulty condom.
[Connie Rubirosa]: *to Megan*...nice excuse for not practicing safe sex, hm?
[Connie Rubirosa]: *teasing at Alex*
[Alex Eames]: Hey, blame the man with speedy little men.
[Megan Wheeler]: Well, technically they did use a condom, so it was safe.
[Connie Rubirosa]: Not if it was broken. *and then, to Alex* How many times have I told you that I don't want to think about David's...
[Alex Eames]: Then stop the craziness, otherwise I'll keep bringing it up.
[Connie Rubirosa]: The craziness?
[Alex Eames]: *smirks*
[Connie Rubirosa]: I was only answering questions that Alice wanted to know about.
[Connie Rubirosa]: *innocent*
[Alice]: Don't blame me. Don't blame me. I'll never hear the end of it.
[Alex Eames]: *smirks at Alice*
[Alice]: Too late.
[Connie Rubirosa]: *laughs*
[Katie Eames]: *laughs*
[Connie Rubirosa]: Anyone hungry?
[Connie Rubirosa]: *gets up, goes to food*
[Alex Eames]: *they all nod*
[Alice]: I could use some food.
[Connie Rubirosa]: Well there's a ton of it...*smirks*
[Alex Eames]: *they all get up to dig in*
[Connie Rubirosa]: *serves herself a couple sandwich halves*
[Katie Eames]: *digs in to the salad and a sandwich*
[Connie Rubirosa]: *knockknocknockAlexdoor*
[Alex Eames]: *goes to answer it*
*it's Millie!*
[Alex Eames]: *grins* Hey!
[Alex Eames]: How're you? *steps aside to let her in*
[Millie Logan]: *Millie gives a small grin* I'm-glad to be outta the house. *goes in, waves to Megan* Hey!
[Alice]: *takes a bite of her sandwich, looking at the new arrival*
[Alex Eames]: *shuts the door* I know that feeling.
[Megan Wheeler]: ::hand up:: Millie!
[Millie Logan]: *Millie's hair is up in a ponytail and she's got a white blouse that appears to have a fresh stain of some sort near the hem, and jean capris. She immediately heads toward Megan and plops down next to her*
[Alex Eames]: *gets herself some food and then goes back to the comfy seat*
[Megan Wheeler]: How's it going? ::to Millie::
[Millie Logan]: It's going. *looks around, nods to Connie, who nods back*
[Alex Eames]: Uh, Millie, this is my sister Alice, and my sister-in-law Katie. *gestures to them both*
[Alex Eames]: *figures she oughta to do the introductions*
[Millie Logan]: Alice--*grins*--Nathan's mom, right?
[Alice]: That's me. *grins back*
[Alice]: That's my baby.
[Millie Logan]: *smiles* My daughter, Isabel, plays with him sometimes when Alex has him.
[Alice]: *huge smile* Ah, you're Isabel's mother.... he's often talking about his friend, Isa.
[Millie Logan]: ...hope it's not too bad.
[Alice]: Oh, no. It's sweet. He gets so excited.
[Millie Logan]: *smiles, gets up to grab punch and a napkin, which she uses to dab at her shirt*
[Alex Eames]: Do you need some water?
[Millie Logan]: Ah, I'll worry about it later. Isa threw juice on me right as I was leaving.
[Katie Eames]: Guess she didn't want you to go?
[Millie Logan]: She heard me tell her dad I was going to Alex's and she heard the word "party" and she wanted to come with.
[Katie Eames]: Aw, cute. *chuckles* My girls used to do that, now they can't wait to get rid of me.
[Millie Logan]: *shakes her head, and then to Alex, mimicking Isabel* "Wan' go AnnieAlex!"
[Alex Eames]: *grins with a chuckle* Bless her.
[Alice]: *amused* AnnieAlex?
[Millie Logan]: She heard Nathan call Alex "auntie" and figured she was entitled to do so as well. *eyeroll*
[Alex Eames]: I'm not gonna tell her 'no'.
[Alex Eames]: *smiles*
[Alice]: *laughs*
[Megan Wheeler]: ::another knock on the door::
[Millie Logan]: *turns to Megan* Oh, and anyone who wants to come amuse Mike, I will PAY.
[Connie Rubirosa]: *gets up to get the door*
[Alex Eames]: Thank you!
[Megan Wheeler]: And here I thought I'd actually escaped him for awhile..
[Alex Eames]: *Alex is fed up of standing up*
::it's Lani, present in hand::
[Millie Logan]: Oh, no.
[Connie Rubirosa]: *smiles* Hey, Lani, come on in.
[Alex Eames]: I'm not sure any of us could give Mike what he needs.
[Lani]: Hey Connie ::smiles and goes in::
[Megan Wheeler]: Aside from doughnuts
[Millie Logan]: Oh, come on.
[Megan Wheeler]: Not that I'd give him any.
[Connie Rubirosa]: *Connie hands Lani a clothespin* Good luck. Oh. *turns to Millie and gives her one as well*
[Millie Logan]: What's the magic word?
[Katie Eames]: The opposite of 'me'
[Millie Logan]:...y--ohh.
[Lani]: Got it.
[Katie Eames]: Uh huh. *amused chuckle*
[Alex Eames]: You wouldn't send any donuts to your friend?
[Megan Wheeler]: No..he's...not supposed to eat them.
[Alex Eames]: That's true... send him grapes.
[Megan Wheeler]: ::shifty::
[Connie Rubirosa]: Hey! *grabs for Alex's pin*
[Millie Logan]: *looks at Megan curious*
[Alex Eames]: Darn it. *still has one left and stuffs it in her pocket*
[Alice]: I can't believe Connie beat me!
[Alex Eames]: Yeah, you're slipping
[Lani]: ::shakes her head:: This game is getting rough.
[Katie Eames]: No kidding.
[Alex Eames]: So, Connie, what were the other two games?
[Connie Rubirosa]: *smirky* I'm back in..and the other games....well, one involves being blindfolded. *smirk*
[Alex Eames]: Blindfolded?!
[Connie Rubirosa]: *laughs* Yes.
[Alex Eames]: *curious look* I don't recall being blindfolded at any other baby shower I've been to...
[Connie Rubirosa]: *eyeroll* Well clearly this is the most kickass baby shower ever.
[Katie Eames]: Clearly, we all get to wear blindfolds.
[Alice]: Kinda kinky.
[Megan Wheeler]: ::laughs::
[Connie Rubirosa]:....I dont know what kinda parties you people go to...
[Millie Logan]: Hey, Counselor--*holds her hand out*
[Nina Cassady]: *finally arrives, knocks on door*
[Megan Wheeler]: Hey, you're the one that brought up blindfolds.
[Alex Eames]: Hey! Clothespin! Gimme!
[Millie Logan]: I said it first!
[Megan Wheeler]: I got it. ::goes to get the door while they fight it out::
[Connie Rubirosa]: *Connie hands Millie her pin*
[Nina Cassady]: *waits behind door*
[Alice]: I will never reveal what parties I go to.
[Megan Wheeler]: ::OPENS the door::
[Alice]: *smirk*
[Nina Cassady]: *smile* Hey, Wheeler.
[Megan Wheeler]: ::smiles:: Hey Nina, c'mon in.
[Alex Eames]: *looks over* Hey Nina!
[Nina Cassady]: *nods and goes in*
[Nina Cassady]: *waves* Hey, everyone
[Megan Wheeler]: Just don't say the magic word.
[Lani]: ::waves:: Yo, Nina!
[Nina Cassady]: *waves, smiles*
[Alex Eames]: How're you? *to Nina*
[Connie Rubirosa]: Hey, Nina. Have a clothespin. And don't say the word "y-o-u".
[Alice]: *steals her pin* *from her pocket*
[Connie Rubirosa]: Hey, I spelled it!
[Megan Wheeler]: :;pets her lineup of clothespns::
[Alice]: Spelled what?
[Lani]: The word.
[Alex Eames]: *laughs*
[Nina Cassady]: *smirk*Got it.
[Katie Eames]: It's not easy. *holds out her hand* I'm Katie
[Connie Rubirosa]: Maybe we should do intros again.
[Connie Rubirosa]: You know. Who you are, how you know Alex.
[Nina Cassady]: *shake it* Nina Cassady.
[Alice]: *raises her hand* Alice. Sister
[Megan Wheeler]: I think that covers it.
[Katie Eames]: Sister-in-law and friend. *grins*
[Nina Cassady]: Nina, works in kind of the same department.
[Alice]: Maybe it would be easier if we wore tags.
[Connie Rubirosa]:...I should have thought about that. *takes out her blackberry, scribbles something in it* Connie, OCD. Lawyer. Friend.
[Alex Eames]: You don't need tags, I know who you all are...
[Megan Wheeler]: And that's all that matters.
[Katie Eames]: *to Nina* So, you're a detective?
[Nina Cassady]: *nods* Homicide
[Utero Ellie]: *baby!kicks- "I'm here, too!"*
[Millie Logan]: I'm Millie. My husband works with Alex...and I do, too, on occasion...
[Nina Cassady]: *nods*
[Alex Eames]: *chuckles* And I babysit sometimes for her.
[Millie Logan]: She does. Alex is a lifesaver.
[Alex Eames]: Now that's appreciation. *chuckles*
[Alice]: So, back to this being blindfolded game... what is it?
[Nina Cassady]: *raises an eyebrow*
[Alice]: Yeah, apparently we have to wear blindfolds...
[Connie Rubirosa]: *laughs, gets up and goes to dig in things*
[Alex Eames]: *watches, curiously*
[Nina Cassady]: ...okay.
[Alex Eames]: By the way, Nina, there's food and drink about if you want any.
[Nina Cassady]: *nods, goes to look*
[Alex Eames]: Yell at all, if you need anything.
[Megan Wheeler] has left the room.
[Connie Rubirosa]: *Connie comes back with baby clothes, a diaper, a blindfold and a teddy bear*
[Alex Eames]: *blinks* Uh...
[Connie Rubirosa]: You're blindfolded and you have to dress the bear.
[Alice]: Oh, I think I love this game already! Alex goes first!
[Alex Eames]: *sister!glare*
[Nina Cassady]: *smirk*
[Connie Rubirosa]: *laughs*
[Alex Eames]: *still glaring at her sister*
[Connie Rubirosa]: Well?
[Alex Eames]: Fine, but I'm can't be held responsible for where that diaper ends up
[Connie Rubirosa]: That's the point. *smirk*
[Alice]: I'm gonna move... *stands up*
[Megan Wheeler]: I can't dress a kid with sight and you expect me to try without?
[Alex Eames]: If I'm doing it, you all are
[Connie Rubirosa]: No but I do expect handing over of your pin, Megan, and yours, Alex.
[Connie Rubirosa]: *evil smirk*
[Alex Eames]: I don't have one *smirks*
[Connie Rubirosa]: *sticks her tongue out*
[Alice]: *laughs*
[Megan Wheeler]: ::tosses one, still has many::
[Connie Rubirosa]: Come on, Alex. *holds blindfold out*
[Alex Eames]: *takes the blindfold and puts it on* Fine.
[Alice]: *mouths* Camera?
[Connie Rubirosa]: *Connie hands her camera to Alice*
[Alice]: *takes the camera and grins, evily*
[Alex Eames]: *waiting for the bear and such*
[Connie Rubirosa]: *hands her the bear, gets it all set up wherever*
[Connie Rubirosa]: Go!
[Alice]: *taking pictures of this*
[Nina Cassady]: *watches, amused*
[Alex Eames]: *concentrating, attempting to figure out which way round the diaper is supposed to be and where the bears backside is*
[Connie Rubirosa]: *laughing*
[Millie Logan]: *as is Millie* *who is also taking a cameraphone pic to send to Mike*
[Katie Eames]: *laughing, avoiding taking pictures knowing she'll get her ass kicked*
[Alex Eames]: *realises she's putting the diaper on the wrong part, changes and manages to get it right but back to front*
[Connie Rubirosa]: Go, Alex, Go Alex.
[Alex Eames]: *has got a face of pure concentration, from what you can see with the blindfold in the way*
[Connie Rubirosa]: *checks her watch* Time's up.
[Alex Eames]: *baby bear has a top on backwards and a diaper on backwards*
[Alex Eames]: *takes her blindfold off* Oh... that's not right.
[Connie Rubirosa]: *laughs*
[Millie Logan]: Nice job, Alex.
[Alex Eames]: Oh, here's hoping I don't do that to my baby.
[Millie Logan]: Yeah really.
[Alice]: *laughs* You'll be able to use your eyes then.
[Alex Eames]: Ha. Ha.
[Millie Logan]: Not if you're in the dark. And you have to change a sleeping baby who you dont want to wake up.
[Alex Eames]: *looks at Millie* Hmmm
[Millie Logan]: trust me.
[Katie Eames]: *chuckles* You'll do fine.
[Alex Eames]: *eat. lots. of. carrots.*
[Connie Rubirosa]: Who's next? *eyes Megan*
[Alice]: Yes, Megan's turns.
[Megan Wheeler]: ::shakes head:: No way.
[Megan Wheeler]: Just mark me the automatic loser, I can't do it
[Alex Eames]: Everybody is doing this, including you.
[Millie Logan]: Do it, do it, do it.
[Alice]: Megan, Megan, Megan, Megan.
[Megan Wheeler]: ::eyeroll:: Fine.
[Nina Cassady]: *grin*
[Alex Eames]: *hands her the blindfold and returns the bear to his natural state*
[Megan Wheeler]: ::puts on the blindfold::
[Alex Eames]: *hands her the bear and everything else*
[Connie Rubirosa]: *Connie and Millie watch*
[Alex Eames]: *they do, too*
[Megan Wheeler]: Meg: ::grabs onto it and starts, already mixed up, trying to pull the pants over his ear::
[Alex Eames]: *they're laughing, amused*
[Megan Wheeler]: Meg: ::grumbles at their laughter, guessing she's off::
[Connie Rubirosa]: *Millie's laughing, Connie's just watching*
[Alex Eames]: *chuckles*
[Megan Wheeler]: Meg: ::turns the bear over and tries again, getting the pant leg over the arm::
[Alice]: *whispers in Alex's ear, no one else can hear* If it makes you feel better, you were better than that.
[Alex Eames]: *slaps her arm, lightly*
[Megan Wheeler]: ::still trying to get the other pant leg on an appendage::
[Katie Eames]: *watches, amused*
[Megan Wheeler]: ::gives up and tries for the shirt, pulling it over it's legs::
[Connie Rubirosa]: *brows raised*
[Millie Logan]: *amused*
[Alex Eames]: *watches, quietly amused*
[Megan Wheeler]: ::grumbles:: Can I stop the embarresment?
[Alex Eames]: I think your time is almost up...
[Connie Rubirosa]: time!
[Alex Eames]: See.
[Millie Logan]: Amateurs. *shakes head*
[Alex Eames]: Yeah, yeah, yeah, you've just had practice.
[Millie Logan]: I have.
[Megan Wheeler]: ::yanks her blindfold off, highly embarressed::
[Alex Eames]: You have to get it right
[Alex Eames]: 100%, no mistakes
[Millie Logan]: Who, me?
[Alex Eames]: Yes, you.
[Millie Logan]: *gets up with her Isa-juice-stained shirt, looks nonplussed* Give it here.
[Alice]: *amused*
[Katie Eames]: Well done, Megan...
[Megan Wheeler]: ::plops down near Nina:: Thanks..
[Connie Rubirosa]: *millie takes the blindfold*
[Connie Rubirosa]: *watches the timer*
[Katie Eames]: Really, you get points for trying.
[Alex Eames]: *watches*
[Nina Cassady]: *still just watches*
[Lani]: ::to Nina:: Almost your turn I think... ::smirks::
[Katie Eames]: Definitely.
[Nina Cassady]: *smirks back* Not a problem.
[Lani]: ::chuckles::
[Millie Logan]: *Millie puts the blindfold on, and takes the bear - she's very no-nonsense about it, puts it correct-side up and starts dressing it, quickly and efficiently*
[Alice]: *mutters* Show off.
[Connie Rubirosa]: *yeah, she totally is*
[Millie Logan]: *after dressing the bear correctly, and quickly, pulls off the blindfold* Try doing it with a squirming kid who's swatting at you. *smirk*
[Alice]: Maybe next time you should try that, blindfolded.
[Alice]: *chuckles, amused*
[Millie Logan]: *smirk* Like I said, in the dark, it's the same difference.
[Katie Eames]: People can see in the dark, you know. *smirks*
[Millie Logan]: *eyeroll* Whatever.
[Connie Rubirosa]: Who's next?
[Alex Eames]: I believe Nina is.
[Nina Cassady]: *shrugs* Sure.
[Alice]: *grins*
[Connie Rubirosa]: *Millie passes the stuff to NIna*
[Nina Cassady]: *takes it, starts to put the blindfold on*
[Alex Eames]: *they watch*
[Nina Cassady]: *settles in and gets used to not seeing before reaching for the bear*
[Alex Eames]: *amused smirk*
[Millie Logan]: Use your cop skills.
[Katie Eames]: I thought cops chased bad guys, not change diapers?
[Nina Cassady]: When you have a brother who's inept, you do both.
[Alex Eames]: *laughs*
[Nina Cassady]: *runs her hands over the bear, trying to figure out which side is facing her*
[Alex Eames]: *still watching*
[Connie Rubirosa]: *as are Millie and Connie*
[Nina Cassady]: *starts with the diaper, gets it on the right way*
[Alex Eames]: *impressed*
[Connie Rubirosa]: *taking pics*
[Nina Cassady]: *goes for the shirt next, starts at the bottom, before changing course and putting it on in the right place, but backwards*
[Alex Eames]: *eyes the camera suspiciously*
[Connie Rubirosa]: *calls out* Time!
[Nina Cassady]: *sighs*
[Nina Cassady]: *pulls off the blindfold*
[Millie Logan]: Not bad.
[Alex Eames]: Well done.
[Nina Cassady]: *small smile* Thanks
[Connie Rubirosa]: *dangles blindfold* Who's next? *little smirk*
[Alice]: The lady whose name I didn't get... *points to Lani*
[Connie Rubirosa]: Lani.
[Alice]: *grins* It's Lani's turn.